(long sleeve ((on sale)), tank, shorts, shoes wu/cd, shoes workout, bra)

You know when you don’t get enough sleep and then feel like you have the flu? That was me yesterday. Brooke and I have been up in the middle of the night every night, watching movies until she can fall back asleep. I didn’t realize until I was there running at the track that the lack of sleep had caught up with me, so I gave my best effort for the day and shortened the workout a bit.

3 x a mile @ 5:46, 5:57, 6:03 with .5 mile jogs in-between. It was windy during all of them but the rain really kicked in during the final 1600. I was very thankful for my emergency hat in the car.

We decided to have fun with the 200s at the end and have a staggered start. Lauren and I could not keep up with their 32-33 second splits for those put were happy with our 36-37s:).

The 2024 Boston Jacket! It looks so good…

I always look forward to the flavor of the week at the BYU track.

During the cool-down it was a complete hail storm. It was definitely one of those moments where I think I need to find new friends that aren’t into torturing themselves in the morning.

How we both felt after tee-ball practice:

It’s a parent-involved class and so I think I ran another mile chasing balls.

Everyone was feeling a little cabin fever in the afternoon.

And Brooke was feeling well enough to go to Costco!

“I’m so sick of ice cream.” -Brooke. Never did I think any of my children could say such a thing but it has happened.

Alyssa asked this question and I’d love to talk more about it today:

-I feel like Alyssa listed so many of the reasons that I fell for running and training for races. I loved the purpose that running gave me. It gave me goals that were much more motivating to me than my previous goals, which were primarily based on my weight. It got me outside more (besides family, being outside gives me my biggest joy), and having a buildup rather than doing the same things each week like I was on the elliptical was so exciting. I think that doing those long runs kind of shocked me because I never thought I could do something like that. And seeing my paces getting faster over the months was completely addicting. I also have come to the conclusion that my endorphins after a run are 25x any other workout than I have ever done which makes injuries especially hard. Let’s be honest, having that measurable validation that my watch shows me every day when I press ‘save’ will probably keep me hooked forever.

I would love to hear from anyone else who switched over to running and what their reasons were!

Any foods, drinks or treats that you are sick of?

-I would love to tell these to Brooke so she can feel others relating with her.

What are you looking forward to today?

(shirt, shorts) It snowed on us for a bit during the run so that was a fun May surprise. I love my helix piercing but goodness gracious I regret it when my ears are cold because it hurtsssssss. I need to be smart and always wear an ear covering if it’s under 35°. Brooke needed … Continue Reading

Thank you, Emilee and Jo, for meeting me early on Saturday morning for a run. Thank you, legs, for running our 3-mile segment faster than the previous week. Thank you to the majority of my fake eyelashes for staying on during the windy run. Thank you, Panda, for being open at 9:30 am… Brooke was … Continue Reading

Sleep and sweats won over going for a run. Yesterday was more painful for Brooke so we took it extra low-key. I’ll be back on Monday with a normal post. Thank you for being the best. Tell me three things you have going on today!

(shorts, long sleeve, bra, shoes) Back to gloves but at least I can say the shorts are here to say. These bushes that we run by smell like actual grape candy. Day #1 of Tee-ball for Beck occurred. Bless the coaches of the 3-4t team. They are truly angels. Brooke even decided to come to … Continue Reading

(ribbed tank ((with a built-in bra, and a great deal)), shorts, shoes) Well, day #1 was better than we expected! I also think Brooke is very used to her throat hurting (when they looked at her throat before the surgery, they asked how she could even eat with the state of her tonsils!), so she … Continue Reading

I woke up at 3:15 am with my heart pounding and so much fear about Brooke getting her tonsils out. I think Andrew’s job (he works in organ donation… the sad side of it and the stories are so hard) has made me even more anxious about my kids, and there was no chance I … Continue Reading