The chlorine is seeping into my brain.

100 minutes of pool running (100 just sounded more fun than 90—> I know, I think all of the chlorine is seeping into my brain and making me do and say crazy things like that I enjoy pool running now and want to go longer than I had originally planned on going).   

22 days until the marathon…

The girls were all meeting for a middle of the day froyo and I have never ever turned down an opportunity like that.    

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And I already miss her.   Monday cannot come soon enough.  

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I didn’t have a salad for lunch.  It is a miracle.  Brooke was in love with what I made too.  Egg scramble with turkey bacon, peppers, broccoli (steamed), sweet potato (cooked in microwave), onions of course eggs.  A side of english muffin is always part of my recipe for egg scrambles.  

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Brooke had her first experience with Play-Doh yesterday and she was a little skeptical at first.  

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And for dinner I went to my Restaurant Explorers group (about 20 people get together to go try a new restaurant and talk and eat all night long).

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I still can’t eat most Thai dishes (and zero Indian dishes) because of when I got Giardia in Thailand and I was soooooo sick (I am still amazed I survived) but I did absolutely love my bowl of Pho.  It was at least a gallon (the picture does not do it justice).

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And as if ice cream once a day wasn’t enough… How could one turn down coconut ice cream!?

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Two comments from yesterday’s post that I just had to share because I loved them so much and thought about them all day long.  Thanks ladies!!!

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Finish the sentence:

I am super excited for this weekend because ___________________!!!!!

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I love the idea of a Restaurant Explorers group. I think I need to start one in my area! Any New Jersey people want to help me start it up?


Where in nj?


I am in the North Brunswick area!


I’m in the Old Bridge Area! I’d be down


I am super excited for this weekend because my youngest brother is graduating from college!


I’m super excited for this weekend because I’m having a whole day date with my husband and we are going to pick 5 things in town we’ve never done before and spend all day/night doing them :) and also because tonight I’m having pizza for dinner ;) haha.

I haven’t yet tried gummies on my froyo but you are the 1000th person who has posted pictures of that so I must be missing something and I’ll have to try that immediately.


I’m super excited for the weekend because I’m spending it with family and it’s 3 days long of course!

Your lunch looks yummy, just had eggs with kale, butternut squash and sausage and your combo looks similar. Sweet potatoes and eggs should always be together!

Once Brooke gets into play doh she won’t be able to stop. Just keep it outside or else you’ll be sorry!


I am super excited for this weekend because it is three days! :) And because I am hoping my doctor clears me today to get back to normal running *fingers crossed*!


3 day weekend + bbqs + cookies :-)


This weekend is jam-packed! Stating out saturday with a spin class and then I’m taking my 16 year old niece and my 4 year old son to an annual street festival ( I have taken her every year since she was 2). It’s also my mom’s birthday on Saturday, so I’m baking chocolate peanut butter cupcakes and taking them over to have with presents. Sunday I will fit in another spin class before taking my mom out for a birthday brunch. Hope , in the afternoon, to have time to be able to drive out to a friends cottage for a visit. Phew, I’m pooped already! Enjoy your weekend and Brooke will be home before you know it!


… tomorrow is parkrun!! Totally addicted :) .


I’m excited for this weekend because it’s my bachelorette party in dc!


Have soooooooooo much fun!!!!!!


I’m super excited for this weekend because we are going out to celebrate my bday/my sisters bday and my whole family is going! We are trying out a new restaurant that is supposed to be amazing ! :)


PS the restaurant explorers group is the best idea ever…I’m going to work on bringing one to my area! :)


excited for the weekend because it’s the last one before I start my physical therapy!!! I was in the middle of marathon training when I went bouldering in a rock climbing gym in February and fell and sprained my ankle, tearing three ligaments. Two months later, I had surgery, and can’t wait to start my recovery with PT!!!!

100 minutes of pool running?! You make it sound like fun….


I am super excited for this weekend because the forecast calls for warm and pretty weather, our pool is opening and I am randomly running a 10 mile race Sunday morning by the beach!


This weekend is our 11th anniversary, we have friends in town Monday to Tuesday, and the pool opens!

Random: Natalie Morales tweeted me today, I am so excited! :).

I hope your weekend is fun and passes quickly so that Brooke is back home soon.


I am super excited for this weekend because our apartment complex pool opens and I will (hopefully) be able to get somewhat of a tan. Also there is an 8.5 mile long run on the schedule for sometime this weekend :)


I am finally allowed to get on the elliptical at the gym after an injury and knee surgery. SOOO excited. And my in laws are visiting for the weekend, love them!


I am super excited for warm weather this weekend!!

My kids love play dough! They only get to play with it in nursery which helps them actually WANT to go :)


I’m excited bc I get to sleep in!


3 days of beach and sun:)


Because it will consist of lots of beach volleyball and hot yoga! I may just melt away this weekend!

Go you on all that pool running!!


We just found out yesterday that we are having a boy and I am going to buy cute baby outfits at Target! And go for two hikes!


Because I’m 2.6 lbs away from my pre-baby weight!!!!! 10 months later, but I’m almost there! And I don’t have to work on Monday!


I am super excited for this weekend because my crafty friends are going to help me start sewing!!!!!


It involves 3 days of sleeping-in, the beach and BBQ’s! :)


I’m super excited for this weekend because I have a race on Sunday and no work on monday! The best combination!


I am super excited for the weekend because I get to spend an extra day with my 5 month old baby girl! I went back to work 2 weeks ago and it has been rough! I plan to enjoy every single minute with her:)


I am super excited for this weekend because it is my first marathon !!!


Ahhhhhhhhhhh good luck!!!! Please let me know how it goes!!!!


Is that cotton candy on your shirt? In the first picture?
I am super excited for the weekend now because I am going to go to the carnival and stuff my face with cotton candy (and funnel cake). Thanks for being my inspiration.


I’m super excited for the weekend because it is a 3 day weekend AND our really good friend is coming to stay with us and he’s bringing his girlfriend so we can meet her!! You make pool running sound like a lot of fun and because of that I just might try it.


I’m super excited for a 3 day weekend with a 5k and memorial day parties! Yay!


I’m super excited for the weekend because the weather’s going to be nice and everything at the JCrew outlet is 50% off !!!!!


I love the restaurant explorer group idea!
I am super excited for this weekend because it is filled with BBQs, baseball & getting in our garden! Plus no work for 3 days and who doesn’t love that?

Tell us what makes you excited for this weekend?


I’m excited to have all my bridesmaids together (except one who lives too far who will be in my heart) to try on dresses! and a weekend visit with my sister.


I am wicked excited because it’s a 3 day weekend and I’ll be on the beach and I have a kayak, a paddleboard, a boat and running shoes….life is perfect!


I am super excited for this weekend because my husband and I get to home to my parents house and be with my family for the long weekend!! We are also having a date night here tonight in town and then heading out tomorrow! Can’t wait :) HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND!!!


It’s a 3 day weekend and my family and I are visiting my parents at my aunt’s cabin! And I get to run in 6500ft. elevation.


I’m super excited this weekend because I have all next week of from school, so I can sleep in for a whole 7 days!! Brooke will be back before you know it, my mum used to hate it when I went to my dads but now she enjoys having the time to herself :) Hope you have a great weekend!


I’m super excited for this weekend because I am going to work on some DIY projects for our new place!

Your shirt! Love!


We are ONE week away from all my family coming into town and my husband’s medical school graduation! This is such a long time coming! PLUS I have a lot of work to get done this weekend and it’s been a productive week so hoping that carries over!


running with friends and NO work!


…I get to be a spectator (that’s the positive way of saying I’m an injured runner and will be a DNS) and bring my dog too as we cheer on our friends running the spring lake 5 miler in spring lake nj. :)


That coconut ice cream looks amazing!!! And I LOVE pho!

I am super excited to get together with family this weekend!


Coconut ice cream!!! Yummmmm :)) Hang in there without Brooke this weekend. Please be sure to eat multiple hamburgers/hot dogs and drink lots of lemonade. It’s a requirement for Memorial Day, and I’ve heard BBQs reduce stress….(okay I made that up).

I’m most excited to be with my boyfriend and family this weekend, and to go to a dear friend’s engagement party :)


I wish I could be really super excited about the weekend but my youngest has been sick with a croup like bug and now it has brought on stomach but symptoms primarily because she also has reflux ( even at 3 1/2). So I am now cleaning out my car and her car seat after an episode driving home from the doctor. Why do they make car seats so hard to clean?? I am not the first person to have a little one get sick all over it! And my 6 year old just started with this thing yesterday. So it could be an interesting weekend.

But I am going to help my good friend paint tomorrow. She is getting a divorce and I have been wanting to help in some way. I guess I am super excited to have something to do that is tangible to help her.


Oh my goodness that Pho! Apparently there’s an amazing Pho restaurant somewhere here in NYC but I have yet to visit it. Maybe this is the weekend that I do!
Keep your head up and that pretty smile plastered on your face this weekend…Monday will be here before you know it!


A close friend of mine is flying in for a visit and spending a week here!!!!! She is going through a really rough time right now since she is in the process of getting a divorce after being married for almost 20 years.


I’m super excited for this weekend because my little brother graduates from high school!


Because I get to work on my bracelets, I finally figured out what I was doing wrong, and can’t wait to make some that I know everyone will love! And because I will get to skype with my boyfriend.


I’m super excited this weekend because the Magic Kingdom at Disney is open for 24 hours and I’m probably going. And I have a three-day weekend. Nothing beats that! YAY


Because I have a duathalon Saturday and my cousins missionary homecoming Sunday!


My mom and I are working out together and I will have more time to run :)

I just bought a pair of asics the other day (my first pair of legit running shoes) and it feels like I’m running on clouds! I will never run in just any old pair ever again.


I am super excited for this weekend because we are gonna go swimming in my in law’s new pool.


I am excited because it’s a three day weekend and we are taking our kiddos camping for the first time:-)


Coconut ice cream sounds fabulous!

I’m excited for this weekend because…
…family time.
…three day weekend.
…boating with friends.
…more decorating in our new house.
…trying out a new church.

It’s basically going to be the perfect weekend. I can just feel it. :)


I am super excited for this weekend because I’m turning 17 on Friday!!!!!


I am excited for this weekend because I am at my in-laws house in Florida and I am doing nothing besides eating, drinking, running, and hanging out in the pool/hot tub!


I am super excited for this weekend because we have a wedding in Maine to go to! Maine is so pretty and I am just hoping the weather will shape up! Right now it’s rather gloomy in Boston. I’ve heard it’s good luck to rain on your wedding day but for solely selfish purposes, I am hoping the sun is shining!


I am dog sitting an adorable pup! And I get to sleeeep. It’s been a hard week of work outs and I’m ready to crash!


I love that you’re in a restaurant explorers group. After I had a breakup and was in a dark place, I joined a movie goers group! Such a fun way to meet new people.


haha she is looking at that play-doh like ummm what the heck is this mom?

im excited for this weekend because i am going to the shore!!! woohoo!

also—my sister tried pool running yesterday. i have been telling her she needed to do it because she is getting border line depressed she cant run haha i kept saying listen janae is doing it. that means you should do it too hahaha she tried and loved!


because I’m having a day date with the boyfriend!!! We’re saving money for a house so dates don’t occur too frequently anymore.


I’m most excited about this weekend because . . .
-last weekend was my daughter’s high school graduation filled with activity
-this weekend has NO scheduled activity
-pulled pork on Sunday
-maybe a baseball game Sunday night
-mostly enjoying the down time on the deck with a good book and some good snacks
-ooh – and trying your smores bars as dessert for our pulled pork feast!
Have a great one!!!


I’m excited for this weekend because I get to go to Nebraska and visit my mom!


Restaurant Explorers is a great idea! I should start forcing my friends to go try new places with me!

I’m super excited for this weekend because we are taking the puppy to the lake for the first time. I hope he swims!


I am super excited because I am going on vacation!!! And I am not doing one single thought provoking things while I am there, not one.


I’m super excited for this weekend because it’s a 4 day weekend full of bbq’s, family and fun!


FYI: pho is a vietnamese dish. in case you didn’t already know. LUV pho!


That pho looks great!

I am excited for the weekend because….pool time & family time! :)


You’re making me wanna try pool running. Also, you look great with highlights!! Happy Training!!


I am super excited for this weekend because I just passed my prelim exam for my PhD program and presented my dissertation proposal AND, I get to celebrate by running in the Ski to Sea relay in Bellingham, WA with my best friends! Whew… so excited that it made me post a comment for the first time after reading this blog for many months now.


I am super excited about this weekend because we are going to the BEACH on monday! we live near lake ontario and we are gonna check out the beach scene since it will finally be warm enough :) YAY!


I am super excited for this weekend because I’m off to the Oregon Coast! Wonder #1 of 7 for me!


Coconut ice cream is a beautiful thing!


I am super excited for this weekend because I’m going shopping with my girls and buying lots of new things!


I am super excited because one of my former students (who is like the daughter I never had) is opening her mission call tonight!!!!! The excitement!!!


Because we are taking our kids out to the movies (The Lego Movie) and in just one week school will get out!!! I love it when my kids are home all day long!

Your omelet looks awesome. I can hardly see the eggs! :)


I am super excited for this weekend because Tim get’s home tomorrow.

I have to have bread with my omelets and salads. No judgement here.


I am super excited for this weekend because I am running a half marathon tomorrow and we celebrate our 23rd wedding anniversary on Sunday!


I am super excited for this weekend because I’m running a marathon and it’s Memorial Day Weekend which is the kick off to summer!!!!!Whoot, Whoot!!!!


I am super excited for this weekend because it’s a long weekend with no work on Monday, woohoo!


Three day weekend with my husband – the little things in life. :)


I am super excited for this weekend because I get to go to my best friend’s bachelorette party tonight and my nephews birthday party Monday!


I am super excited for this weekend because I get to do a 7 hour training ride!!

Ok, I thought maybe if I put it in that sentence it would make me excited. But, no. I have promised myself ice cream after the training day tomorrow, so there’s that!


I’m super excited for this weekend so I can finish packing for our move to Austin, TX!


Pho is one of my favorite dishes and I would love to have some right now! lol

I am super excited for this weekend because I’m going to a birthday dinner and a potluck event so I’m looking forward to eating lots and lots of food!


If there is anyone in Colorado (I’m in Loveland) who wanted to start the restaurant explorer group, I would be up for that!


I can finally clean my disgusting mess of a house and get a full night of sleep without worrying about running late for work! ::fingers crossed::!


I’m excited for this weekend because I am looking forward to getting some sunshine!! ….and baking!!


I am super excited for this weekend because I get to visit an old friend in Nashville, my brother and his gf in St. Louis, and my parents in Lexington!!!!! Not a bad weekend if you ask me!


I am excited for the weekend because I am going to Europe!!!!!!


I am super excited for this weekend because I am running my first marathon on Sunday! My baby girl gave me her stomach bug though so I am hoping to get my strength back in time… Any quick rehydration tips?


I’m excited for this weekend because I get to pace the Alpine Half as part of my 20 miler.


I am super excited for the weekend because I have a new suit for church tomorrow and that just always makes me feel special :-) Also, I am planting my herb garden on Sunday and I love to see things grow. I’ll post some pics on the blog.


I am super excited for this weekend because the weather is finally supposed to be in the 20’s (celsius)! We picked up all of our plants for our vegetable garden, planning on chillin’ in the backyard with my husband and our new babe.


A double: I am super excited this weekend because I am spending 1) Saturday reading by the lake (hooray summer!) and 2) doing my first detox (here:! That latter sounds like an odd thing to be excited about, I know. (I’m also a bit nervous.) But I have been on overdrive these past weeks and am really looking forward to cleaning out the junk a bit and getting a kick start! After that, though, I am definitely making that egg scramble…


I’m running MY FIRST RACE EVER this weekend!!!! It’s just a 5K and I’m not trained AT ALL (ran on Saturday for the first time in 2 months…eek!), but all the race fees go to nonprofits in the area that support wounded veterans. No way could this military brat turn down a cause like that. :)

Anyway, have a good weekend! Thanks for always giving me inspiration to challenge myself in my workouts!!


I’m super excited for this weekend because it’s a three day weekend, my boyfriend is in town, and I finally get to sleep in!!!!


I am super excited for this weekend because it’s actually warm here in Michigan!!! I can run and bike outside in the sunshine! YEAH!


I saw those two comments yesterday too- out of everything & thought they were just SO wonderful! <3
Have a great weekend!


I am excited about this weekend because my second daughter is turning 2 and we are having g a big Dora party.


Because…My mom and I are speeding the day in NYC tomorrow! So lucky to live so close!


Have lots of fun this weekend — Brooke will be back with you before you know it! :)


I am super excited for the weekend because we are having a birthday party for my 3 year old….so what if her birthday was like 5 weeks ago;)

Mother of the Year, I know…


I am super excited for the weekend because I haven’t had a rest day in months!!! Today is my day! P.S. Brooke is lovely!


Because……. I just launched my very own blog and I get the whole entire weekend to make it beautiful!!! Please visit, comment & follow me!!!


I am sure this piece of writing has touched all the internet people, its really really pleasant post on building up new website.


I am super excited for this weekend because it’s my birthday today! :)

My husband is busy working, but my son and I are celebrating with friends and I’m hoping to sneak out on an 8-miler with the stroller today.

You should send some of that coconut ice cream over here. Yum!!!


3 days off and the pool opens!

I hope Monday comes quickly, but find some time for you in the meantime.


… I am going to Body Flow and then *hopefully* running :)


I love Pho:-) P.S. Pho is actually a Vietnamese dish, so maybe that’s why you can stomach it!


I’m not working!


I’m super excited this weekend because my sister and my aunt are visiting to meet the new baby. My sister lives in San Fran and is only around about twice a year and my aunt hasn’t been to CT since Mike and I got married four years ago.


Restaurant explorers is such a good concept! I wonder if they do it in the UK

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