Cross your fingers for me!!

I need you to all cross your fingers for me right this second so that I get picked in the lottery to run the St. George Marathon this fall.  I have been wanting to do this one forever and ever and I think it is just meant to happen in 2014.   

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I also signed up for RNR Seattle and I absolutely can’t wait to see the city by running through it (I am doing the 1/2 just for fun ((not time)) because my full marathon is the week before and I will still be recovering).  WHO IS RUNNING THIS ONE WITH ME!?!?!

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Injuries of all types shake at the thought of facing Josse and her scraping tool.  My right quad/knee has kept me from running today and yesterday but after some of Josse’s magic touch… it is feeling great now.   I do have some pretty crazy bruises after she worked on my legs for over an hour.  Those big black and blue bruises are going to look really attractive on race day when I am wearing my spandex shorts.  

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Brooke loves it when I go get scraped because she gets time with a dog (even though he just sits there and sleeps the whole time, she is still happy to be in his presence).

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An injury scare always gives me motivation to do strength training again to get stronger so that I don’t get injured.  It is a vicious cycle but someday maybe I will be consistent with doing it.  Someday.   Strength training to my sister is like what running is to us.  I try to convince her to send me over just a fraction of her love for weights but she won’t.  Kind of selfish.  

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I also did the elliptical for a full hour.  That hasn’t happened since 2008.  My book, music and my sister’s stories were the only things that kept me sane.

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Layer 1—>  Baked potato (I really think I could live off of these and be happy).

Layer 2-17—>  Cooked spinach, bell peppers, carrots, chicken, onions and topped with salsa.  

A big pile of happiness.  

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Mini bell peppers > x 1,000,000 than normal bell peppers.  

Brooke and her napkins.  She wipes her little mouth after each bite.  

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She sure is incredible and she wanted me to thank you guys for all of the sweet comments!!! THANK YOU!


Runners—>  When you can’t run, what is your next best option!?!?  Your top choice for cross-training?

Anyone else love lifting weights like my sister does?  Share your secrets with me:)

Best part about your day so far?

Ever done any of the Rock ’n’ Roll races before?  Which ones?  Anyone running RNR Seattle?

-I have done RNR Vegas and San Jose!

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Yay! I’m glad you’re doing the RNR Seattle! That is my hometown and it is absolutely beautiful! Unfortunately I won’t be participating since I haven’t trained myself to run that distance but I would like to accomplish it one day! As for now I’m taking baby steps so I can make that goal a reality!


Good luck on the St. George lottery!!!! Also, that pile of happiness looks super yummy!


I have no idea how I used to do an hour+ on the elliptical. These days even when I’m watching TV I can only stand it for about 30 minutes. I think you earned 100 mental toughness points for sticking it out for an hour!


Spin class or the elliptical are my go to cross-training activities. I haven’t done either in a while though….

Fingers and toes crossed for you to get into the marathon!

Seattle! Sounds so fun, I want to come! :)


Congratulations Kristen! Your story is great and inspiring for everyone with MS in their lives and their family.

Good luck getting into St. George! My husband wanted to run it, but since I’m having a baby right before, we decided not this year. Hopefully you get in this year and he gets in next year!

If I can’t run (like now), I like the elliptical or swimming. Right now I’m just walking since I need to get a gym membership going. I do not love strength training but I know it is so beneficial. I think Body Pump sounds fun. Have you been going lately? Today has kind of sucked but the best part was wading in the lake by our house for an hour—it’s 70 degrees out today! I have not done any RnR races, but you will like Seattle and you won’t be stuck in traffic or looking for a parking space while you see the city!


Running a RnR race is on my running bucket list!!! I’m thinking Vegas!

I enjoy lifting weights. I mix it up by sometimes going to Body Pump and sometimes lifting on my own. It’s hard to stay motivated sometimes, but I like how I feel once I’m done.

The best part of my day was when my co-worker brought me a good luck card and gift for my marathon this weekend. She found me Mocha Mint DD coffee, which is slightly out of season, but I was missing it dearly! Her words of encouragment for me were “If you’re not first you’re last” good ol Ricky Bobby :) Made my day.


I’m doing RnR Seattle too!!! Although training has been less than awesome and chances are I will have to walk most of it…eeeek. But I will be there! YAY!




Yes please!!!


I’ll be at the RnR Seattle too! First marathon, thought I’d do it in my hometown. I even got 3 of my girlfriends from college to come up and run the half!


I’m running the RNR Seattle half too! The course is pretty, there’s one killer death hill and a few sloggy ones but for the most part it’s a fun route :)




I’m in!! :)


Fingers crossed for you! :)


Good luck with the drawing! Fingers crossed that you are selected!

When I can’t run I alternate between weights and the elliptical, complaining the entire time!

I don’t love lifting weights, but with the probable torn labrum, I am doing a ton of core work (at least 5 days a week) and trying to do weights twice a week. Today was the first day I was allowed to do squats and lunges, so I pulled out a Jillian Michael’s DVD to make it seem like fun.

My first half was the first ever DC RNR (2012, I think)and it was fun. Well, as much fun as racing can be for me. I prefer to run alone, so running a big race like that is mentally hard for me.

So happy that Brooke is home with you!


AH! You’re coming to my new hometown! I was seriously just perusing the RNR Seattle website yesterday because it goes RIGHT past my apartment and I was like hmmm should probably run it…


I have recently fallen IN LOVE with strength training! I feel so dang tough when I can increase my weights! Please oh pretty please will your sister post some more of her workouts??!! I LOVE the arms workout you guys posted and I seriously do it like once a week! I feel like I get a two for one workout when I do strength training because my heart rate is up (I make sure not to take long breaks between sets) and I’m building muscle! Perfecto! :)


So… I just ran Boston and there is no way I could run 13 miles right now ( a week later)! But good luck in ALL your races! I was already trying to find a fall marathon the day after Boston :) Still undecided on which one to pick.

I want to do a RNR. I haven’t done one. I’d probably start with a Half to ease into the excitement.


Congrats on Boston Amanda!! That is so so so awesome!


I will be volunteering at the finish line at RnR Seattle. Maybe you can plan a meet up while you are here.


Didn’t you run Rnr San Jose, too? That’s the only RNR I’ve done.
Fingers crossed for you! :)


HAHAH you are right. Wow, where did my brain go. You know me better than I know myself!


I would LOVE to do the RNR Seattle!! Super jealous.

You picked a great winner! :) My mom has multiple sclerosis. It is the crappiest disease. Truly. I love hearing people who fight it with everything they got !!! Super inspiring.


Woohoo! I’m running the RNR Seattle Marathon! It’s gonna be a blast!


Let’s meet up!! You are going to rock it!


When I can’t run, I love to bike, especially with friends :)
I don’t mind weights, but I don’t like doing it by myself.
Best part of my day would have to be the amazingness I had for lunch, a chicken and veggie wrap. Yum.
I’m trying to talk my BFF into running the RNR Vegas in the fall. I think I’m almost there!


Just move to FL and become my official salad-maker. Seriously.

I currently can’t run because I sprained my ankle at my last race! Spinning is my usual cross-train go-to, but I REALLY just want to take some lessons and become a good swimmer. Like be able to swim for 30 mins straight without feeling like my lungs are going to burst (like they do now when I swim to the other side of the pool).

I wish I loved weight-lifting, but my favorite strength training is when I use my own body weight!


Yay!! I’m running SEA RNR 1/2 this year too. This will be my 3rd Seattle RNR and love it. I did San Diego full last year and doing Portland in May. Hope I see you along the course!!


That is so so cool! We better find each other!


Sounds good! I’ll look for you in the super speedy corral :)


I’ve only done RNR San Jose. It was okay……not one I would do again.

I wouldn’t say I *love* weight training….but I do it because I do love the results. I should probably do more though, I get in about 20-30 mins 4 x a week.

I don’t really do any cross training!! Does walking count? Lol. I need to join a gym so I have more options! I’d love to try some fitness classes.

Oh good luck on the St George marathon, a couple people in my running club were actually just talking about this one a week or two ago.


I have fingers and my dog has his paws crossed for ya for st George!!
Please share those strength secrets when your readers share them. I want to love to strength train but it ain’t enough. :(
I have done rock n roll New Orleans half, Arizona half and Brooklyn 10k


Mini bell peppers are WAY better.
I was thinking of running RNR Vancouver this October! The series is finally coming to Canada!


Best part of my day so far- lunch outside in the sunshine with my co-workers. I do enjoy strength training but prefer to do it with someone than alone!


Me!! I’m doing RNR Seattle for the sixth time!!!


First, I hope you get into the marathon.

I’ve done RnR VA Beach (which why do they have a half marathon when the regular temp in VA labor day weekend is 80 degrees…but anyways I liked it…I’ll probably do that and Philly this year). I want to come back to Seattle, after my trip I want to do all the races there.


I’M RUNNING THE RNR SEATTLE! I’m doing it for my first full marathon ever! I’ve heard great things and I’m so excited :) I’ve only been to Seattle a couple of times but it’s such a beautiful city so I can’t wait!!


I did the Seattle RNR a couple of years ago. It was my sister’s first half so we ran it together.. It was a lot of fun! :)


All digits crossed! I did the RnR in New Orleans in February. It was fun. Though honestly not as raucous as I expected. The Pittsburgh Marathon last May was probably the most “celebratory” I’ve ever done. Then again, it was right after Boston and everyone was showing their support.


If you come to Seattle again, please do one of our trail races – there are tons of them just a few miles East of Seattle. Our trails are luscious, almost all go through evergreen forests, the surface is soft cushiony dirt (from all the pine needles and rain), the air is heavenly clean… I will be doing the on June 21st (on a rather flat and shaded trail) so I won’t be able to meet you :(

Good luck with the St. George marathon entry!


I don’t like strength training – I do it, lightly maybe once or twice a week but I don’t like it or look forward to it or work to my ability I am sure as I do with running…I did the elliptical today as cross-training. It’s my go-to option when I don’t run. I used to spin which was awesome cross-training too!


I always resort to the spin bike for cross training. Running is my #1, but I also really love weights.
I’ve never run a RNR race, but they look fun. I’m running Provo City on Saturday and then my first full is Utah Valley. I will definitely be looking for a celebrity Hungry Runner Girl sighting at both of those races! ;)


I want to do RnR so bad!!! If I can’t run I do yoga.. does that count as cross training?! I like bike riding too. I don’t weight train a ton but whenever I have extra time after track practice I’ll do some arms! The best part of my day was spaghetti for dinner… yum!!


When I can’t run i go out on the mountain bike and ride with our dog. I dislike lifting, I need to do more strength training but avoid it as much as possible. Best part of the day was lunch… We had Chipotle for lunch. Oh Yeah! I’ve never done a RNR race, but we are looking at PF Changs RNR Phoenix next year


In the summer my top choice for cross training is biking and in the winter it’s cross country skiing.

I hate lifting weights, too. I’ve never had the motivation to be consistent at it. :/


I’m signed up for St George too. I hope I get in. I’ve heard so many good things about it. Does your friend do scraping for people besides her friends? If so, could you let me know how I can get an appointment? I’ve had a nagging inner shin/ankle problem for a while and need to try to get it fixed.


OMG! I’m running the Seattle RnR! That is so cool that you will be in town! I’m no where near as fast as you are but it is one of my favorite races and a great way to see the city! Hope I will get to see you there :)


I did RnR Philly and the course was great but the actual RnR part wasn’t very rockin’!! My sister just signed up for this years’s half, her first, so looks like I’ll be doing it again!


RNR SEATTLE?!! Awesome! I love seeing SR out on the course last year so hopefully I’ll see you too- although you’ll probably be speeding along way faster than me :)

It’s my 3rd year doing the race!

So far I’ve done RnR Portland, Seattle (half and full) and RnR Montreal in the fall!

Crossing my fingers for you for St. George.


I’m the same with strength as you, I throw in a few push-ups every couple of days but it’s really pathetic. I might just be a wimp but weights wipe me out!

For cross training it’s a spin class as a first option and elliptical second. When I was injured I did the elliptical an hour a day 5 days a week and I’m still not over the boredom. Although I feel that way about the treadmill too. Just not a fan of the gym I guess :)


i’m crossing my fingers for you! so exciting about RnR seattle! i’ve always wanted to visit seattle. i bet that’ll be a really fun race :) i have ran RnR LA and RnR pasadena twice each. i loved running them all!

your baked potato/chicken creation looks delicious. i’m obsessed with bell peppers!


Born and bred Seattleite, I’m running Seattle RNR for the third time. I absolutely love this race, not too hilly, great time of year (usually not raining) and it’s just a great group of runners. Hope you enjoy it and if I see you there I’m going to totally come up to you and say hi since I follow your blog regularly and feel like I already know you! :-)


Gahhh it’s so true about strength training, cross training, and those first twinges of a potential injury!
Sure I do “weights,” “abs,” and the all too rare body pump class during a normal week, but you can bet your bottom dollar that when I felt an odd sensation in my glutes for the past few days, my booty was on the elliptical this morning, and I hit the weights after work!

I hope you stay nice and healthy, and good luck with the St. George marathon!


Good luck getting into the marathon! Brooke wiping her mouth is about the cutest thing ever. I cross train all the time (only run 3 x week). Love swimming and biking (outside). I wish I loved weight lifting. I don’t but I do body pump 2 x per week.

I had my hamstring scraped in PT last summer. Really amazing….


I only like doing weights in body pump class. I know I should switch it up, but I feel like it gives me such a great workout. Usually I like spinning when I can’t run, but lately its been bothering my quad. I have done Rock N Roll USA (x2), Providence, and Raleigh.


Best part of my day? When Bikram (hot) yoga was over. My crazy friend and I went to the 6am class. We are trying to loosen up all our old joint after our half marathon 10 days ago. It’s really wonderful, cleansing and great for my body. And I didn’t die doing it. That’s a great day!


Fingers crossed for you Janae!!!!!!!!

I ran the RNR half in D.C.! If you ever do any races in the DC area let me know so we can meet :)


One of my best friends is doing RnR Seattle! I’m so proud of her…she is currently feeling injured but I’m sure she’ll do great :))) I’m doing RnR Philly in September!!

When I’m injured I like to spin and swim. The problem with swimming is it’s way not as effective as running obviously, but it just feels so good on an achy bod.

Best part of my day was being told I was a “perfect swimmer!” Far from the truth but I”ll take it. I wrote about it on


If I can’t run, I either go to a spin class or do weights. I loathe the elliptical (although I used to love it) so I avoid it like the plague.

Best part of my day: My 18-month-old singing me the song I made up for her when she was a baby. Melted my heart!


Elliptical. I remember the first time I did it a couple of years ago. So so begrudgingly. That I was able to get such a pure, unhindered-by-pain endorphin flood made me fall in LOVE. It was like training in the old days. I ended up doing 90% of my training that year on it. And ran faster. Win win.

My secret to loving weights: pick a training cycle that lasts 4 wks, with a ‘test’ before and after so you actually can see your progress.

RNR Vegas. The year with the bad water :(


When I can’t run I love to go to spin class. It pushes me so much harder than I would push myself alone.

And Brooke’s bun is just the cutest!


When I can’t run, I turn to strength training, but I just don’t like it. I know it’s good for me though, so I do try to do it from time to time. Plus I take my dog on walks.

The best part of my day was my run. I had a crazy stressful day, and my run helped me let go of the day.


Sending your quad recovery vibes. :) And I’m crossing my fingers for you to get into the lottery! :D I’m recovering from Boston right now and can’t run. :( I have major runners envy right now. Usually when I can’t run due to injury I hit up the weights!


Doing Seattle RNR for the 4th time, and would love to see you there!


Congrats to Kristen! What a special story – full of love and triumph!


I’m from Seattle!! It is an amazing and beautiful place!! I’m so excited to hear your impressions!


I like doing weights every once in a while but I am usually all or nothing. Maybe one day I will be consistent but probably not. Best part of my day: my kickbock class. I always leave feeling like a beast :)


Yay for RnR Seattle. I’m doing the half as well. I did it last year and loved it! Glad your coming to my home state, its gorgeous here!


So many people doing RnR Seattle! I wanted to sign up, but by the time I realized I could, the price was way too high for me. Have fun everyone!

And good luck! Hope you get into St. George :)


We want to do RNR Phoenix in January. We are hoping to do Ragnar is vegas and my hubby wants to do the spartan in Seattle later this year. We have too many races we want to do already!


HAVE FUN IN SEATTLE! I’m racing that day, but about 40 minutes north near Carnation. :) Have a BLAST; I love my city. Super bummed I won’t get to meet you, though!


If I can’t run I like to take a dance fitness or kickboxing class, or I’ll go for a walk – on the treadmill with high incline intervals, a fast pace, and a show on Netflix (on my iPad) is ideal!


I did the RNR San Antonio Marathon, but it was the first year of the event and there was not much RNR (I think the first year really had some kinks to work out). I just ran the Seattle Marathon in December and thought about doing the RNR Half in June, but it is just too close to my half Ironman race. It will be a beautiful run and I think you will have a blast in Seattle – definitely one of my favorite cities!


I haven’t done any RNR races yet but I really want to!


I’ve done San Diego, Chicago, Phoenix and Las Vegas! When I’m injured spin class and swimming is where I go. I strength train always 2x per week. I really need someone to work on my legs. My shin has had a knot in it for over a week!


I’m running RnR Seattle 1/2!! It is my first 1/2. How exciting. The killer death hill mentioned above is freaking me out. I better go try running up that bad boy.


I will be there! It will be my second time at RnR Seattle. I was supposed to do the full, but my running partner had to drop due to health reasons. Wasn’t ready to run a full solo, but ready to get my first solo 1/2 on the books.
Last year was beautiful and hoping for the same. Chilling afterwards on the grass by the space needle was fun.


I’m crossing my fingers and toes for you!


I just had a disk replaced in my spine so I am all about cross training now (no running until July,at least)…walking outside and swimming are my favorite cross training activities. I ran the Vegas RNR last November (just the half), it was a blast!
Hope you get into your race!


Spin and trx at Lyceum at thanksgiving point ( you should try it out its awesome!)
I did rock and roll Phoenix marathon. Not my favorite since it was just running through the city not much scenery.


I have done RNR Nashville! It was awesome! My city (Raleigh, NC) hosted their inaugural RNR just a couple weeks ago, but I didn’t run it bc I am almost 9 months pregnant. Can’t wait to run it next year!

When I can’t run, I spin. Sometimes elliptical too, but spin is much more fun.

I only strength train in body pump class, does that count??


Shoot I wish I wasn’t injured because I would TOTALLY look into the R&R race! Looks soo fun and I love Seattle!


I am running RnR Seattle! I’m so excited you’ll be there! I’ve never done one before. I love spinning! I try and lift weights but I get so bored – so please keep sharing your secrets everyone! :)


Fingers crossed you get in to St George, I was just reading about that one this weekend! I AM running RnR Seattle Half, 2 weeks after The Dirty Half in Bend, Or and that’s 3 weeks after RnR Portland on May 18th! I ran my first half this Jan 25th and my family is trying to figure out if I’m crazy or just pleasantly addicted to something good for me. Mother’s Day I will do Run Like A Mother 5k with my daughter – she’s the reason I started running (she is 17). Maybe you’ll be running with Your daughter sometime, too, it’s the best!!! I do te elliptical if my knees are bugging me (tonight for 45 mins), and I love my Body Works class which has lots of weights. Maybe I’ll see you for RnR Seattle – along with a few thousand other people :)


Crossing my fingers for you!!! :)



I used to love to do the elliptical and then after I got serious about running its only used when I have injuries. Of course now that I’m in Asia its not really an option. I love strength training. I get a burst of endorphins from it.


I too am running RnR Seattle one week after Utah Valley (but I am nowhere near as fast as you)! Seattle wasn’t part of my original plan, but since I won a RnR race entry through my running group I figured what the heck (I have some family that lives there now & I’ve never been to WA at all – it should be very pleasant weather there in June compared to the summer heat here in AZ). And my fingers are crossed for you for the St. George marathon lottery! Last year I totally got lucky with getting into St. George on my first try – not too sure I’ll be as lucky this year, but we’ll see.


good luck…I hope you get picked for the lottery!! I was going to enter this year but decided against it. Maybe another year!

Road-biking is my favorite when I can’t run!

Body Pump is the only time I will lift weights, really and I love it!

My day is just starting, so the best part so far is the fresh juice in front of me (carrots, strawberries, kiwi, spinach, and apple!) and a bowl of muesli w bananas & strawberries!

I have ran Rock ’n’ Roll Philadelphia half marathon several times!


I haven’t run RnR event before but planning a trip to Vegas this year with friends!!! So excited as I’ve never been to Vegas and I really only want to go to places I can run :)

I jump on my road bike to cross train!!!


Good luck with the lottery!!

Usually, if I can’t run, I do the bike trainer, but as I’m pretty much ready to give birth, that’s not really an option. I’ve been walking a lot.


Good luck and good vibes… definitely being sent your way!

I can’t stand strength training and consistently say it’s my downfall. I have no upper body strength. Sad day.

It’s 5am and your blog is the best part of my day so far…except the leg scraping part because it sounds so freakin’ painful. :)


Never done an RnR race but you will LOVE Seattle. Very cool city. Good luck with your St. George lottery – keeping my fingers crossed for you! :-)


STG is a great marathon, hope you get in. I felt like the course gave me a free 5 minutes (it might give you a free 4, since you’re faster!).


When I can’t run, I usually do the elliptical which is such a snooze fest, but at least it’s cardio! I also do love weights and I try to run 2-3 times a week (unless I’m training for something), cross train 2-3 times a week, and then do weights at least twice a week!


Fingers crossed for you. I have done the San Diego RNR twice and loved it.

You will have so much fun in Seattle. There are so many coffee places and great music!


I’m with you on the mini peppers thing. delicious.

lifting weights is my favourite thing. I feel so strong and much more confident since I started.


While I didn’t get to explore Seattle it looked gorgeous from Ft Lewis when I was stuck on post for a month in 2011. You will have so much fun.

I have a salad full of the mini bell peppers for lunch today :)

If you give me some passion for running again I’ll give you a little motivation for strength training!


I’m doing the RNR Seattle 1/2 too!!! I’ll be there for work during the week, so the timing was too perfect to pass up. I just did my first RNR 1/2 in San Francisco about a month ago and had a great time. I thought it was pretty well organized and had a great atmosphere. I’d love to meet up and say hello in person!


My top choice for cross training is spinning… but if I can’t make a class you will see me rocking out on the elliptical….

The BEST part of yesterday was seriously getting in bed… I love my job and my family, but sometimes the best feeling is getting into bed and shutting down for the day….AND I did get to gossip on the phone with my bestie…that is always a bonus too bc talking on the phone for long periods of time just don’t happen any more

I haven’t done any RNR races yet… the girls where I work are doing philly in the fall but it may be a bit too close to my marathon… I would totally be doing it for fun but i’m not sure if I can swing it… HOWEVER, it is on my todo list…lol


SEATTLE?! My city!!!

If you are planning any sort of meet up I have to bring you a pink cookie. They are from a local business and possibly the best cookie you will ever have. Well, maybe not you, you are the cookie equivalent of very well-read (or something) but still, incredible. From what I can tell they exist only in WA and UT for the most part, so anyway. I’m not doing that race but I live super close to parts of the route so I might cheer y’all on :)


I’m going to Seattle this weekend! Where can I find this elusive pink cookie??


When I can’t run, I bike. I am terrible about strength training. I try to fit in some HIIT workouts to trick myself into strength, but I am totally inconsistent too!

Good luck getting into St. George!!


I had to spend the past five weeks without running because of a stress reaction in my tibia. Swimming saved my life! I was basically living in the pool. I now made a point to keep going to the pool once per week even if I can run again. I really think it will help my running a lot. Also, I hate lifting, but I religiously do 50 push-ups per day. Not much, but at least I’m consistent ;)



I’M DOING RnR SEATTLE!! This will be my third time doing it and I’m so excited!! I’ve done it each time with my brother. :) I hope to see you there!

I’m fighting off an ankle/foot injury the last week or so, but I’m hoping that the doc will fix me up so I can be back on my treadmill in no time!

I enjoy lifting weights, but primarily cuz I teach BodyPump class (which sounds a lot like your “Pump” class you talk about). I think having a group of people around and fun music definitely helps! :)

Best part of my day is coming up: Peanut Butter & Jelly for lunch! (Your potato is awe-inspiring!)


My brother just ran RNR Raleigh, it was a lot of fun to watch!! It was his first marathon, I was super proud of him :)

I love lifting. The thing that keeps me interested is lifting heavy weights and watching myself build muscle and shed fat. However, that might be counterproductive to your running goals so I’m not sure if this would work for you!


I just ran the RnR HM in Nashville and while it was the most challenging race I’ve ever run due to the HILLS, it was also the most fun I’ve ever had in a race.


Fingers crossed!!!:):)


When I can’t run, spinning in my next favorite thing!


For crosstraining I like the stair master or spin class. LOVE spin class. It kinda kills my IT band though.


I just ran my first full marathon on Sunday…I can’t imagine running a half the weekend after…I’m still sore four days later!


Seattle is amazing, I hope you have a fabulous time there!!


I did the RnR Seattle half last year, had SO much fun. The weather was amazing (fingers crossed for those blue skies again on race day). I’m doing the marathon this year. My first!

Have a great time!

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