I just kept running.

12 miles @ 7:55 average pace yesterday morning on my treadmill.  I planned on being able to fit in 8-9 miles before Brooke woke up but she kept sleeping and sleeping so I just ran until she woke up and then I stretched out while she tried to copy me.  

Day #6 of Christmas Traditions may be my favorite.  

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We drove up to Salt Lake City to go to the Festival of Trees.  It was located in a huge conference center and the entire thing was full of trees and gingerbread houses.  People would donate the decorated tree (and items around each tree) for people to buy.  EVERYTHING (tickets to go in, tree money, concession earnings etc) is donated to Primary Childrens Hospital and the trees were sold for thousands!  

My three favorite trees from last night:

1.  The police tree because it came with a stuffed german shepherd dog that Brooke loved.  

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2.  This one because it came with a miniature log cabin. 

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3.  Of course the Coke (I wish they would have had a diet coke one) tree was one of my favorites. 

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Because we were already up in Salt Lake City it would have been a waste if we didn’t go to three of our favorite stores.

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Trader Joe’s won Brooke’s heart by offering her sticker(S) and a sucker.

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And mother of the year award goes to my mom for having my favorite treat waiting in the glove compartment of her car for me. 

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I hope your weekend is off to a great start!

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That looks like a really fun event! I’ve never had the chocolate cinnamon combo before… I’m not sure if I’d like it but I’m willing to try!


Aw what a cool event! I love going and looking at all of the festive decorations. Have a fabulous saturday, janae!


How fun! You guys are a beautiful family! I’ve never tried chocolate covered cinnamon bears… I don’t even know if we have them in tx. They sound interesting though!


We went to a gingerbread house event this week but I couldn’t convince Ben to let me spend $100 on one of them to take home. Luckily one was created like willy wonkas Charlie factory that had mini Hershey bars wrapped like the golden ticket for us to take. So cute I couldn’t eat it.

Have a great weekend!!


Looking at all of those Christmas trees looks so fun! I know Brooke loved it! That was so sweet of your Mom to get you your favorite snack. Moms are the best, and they always know just what you need!


That sounds like such a cool event, I wonder if they have anything like that around Boston


I forgot about Festival of Trees! My previous town had one. I need to see if there is one here. I’m betting there is and I need to see it! It looks like you all enjoyed it.
I’m in love with Brooke’s little sweater. I miss all the cute little girl clothes. My girls won’t let me dress them anymore. :(


What a cool festival! Those trees are so pretty!


Those are some fancy trees!! But Nordstrom rack is def the most exciting thing about this post ;)


Those tress are gorgeous! I love getting in the holiday spirit with events like those. Tonight we’re going to see “Scrooged” which is one of my favorite Christmas plays. Have a great weekend!


Looks like such a cool event and so fun! Great run too!


I think that is such a neat idea and would definitely be put on my Christmas traditions list! I wish we had something like that around where I lived. Your Mom rocks!
My weekend is going to be at home today trying to make a sense of the madness my house is in right now, and preparing for work and this bad weather that’s supposed to be heading our way.


Did you notice that the roof is even made of mickey mouse?!

Nice job on your treadmill run! An ice storm cancelled the marathon I was supposed ti run tomorrow so im about to get i a treadmill long run too! Happy Saturday


Wow what a fun thing to do! I’m already in the Christmas spirit but that would have really sealed the deal for anyone still not “there” yet.

Happy Saturday!!


Twelve treadmill miles?!?! My mind is blown. After an excruciating 6, I always bow out.


I am going to do a long run on the treadmill tonight- I think it is five below zero here so running outside is not going to happen. I see you picked up the dark chocolate caramel sea salt bars. Good choice, those are amazing.


What awesome trees those are! I bet it was a great time! And yes, you have an awesome mom for leaving those treats :-) My plans include….running in the cold, and probably working…I love my job, but I’d rather be running!


We’re going with another couple to the Festival of Trees tonight! I’ve never been, but I’ve always heard great things. Glad you loved it! Happy Saturday!


ughhh I LOVEEEE cinnamon bears!! I must find these chocolate covered ones stat!


Those chocolate covered joe joes are the best! Yum. Now I need to make a trip to Trader Joes.


What a fun day! Trader joes and Nordstroms… Who could ask for more?! I love the traditions. Keep them going. You’re my hero for running that distance on a treadmill! Have a great weekend!


Fun day!
I’m slightly obsessed with Nordstrom Rack right now and just bought 3 new pairs of boots!


That sounds like an amazing day! Christmas trees, Nordstrom, & Trader Joe’s! I have never seen chocolate covered cinnamon bears. I gotta try them! I’m resting today. I’m supposed to do a half tomorrow but they may call it off cause of the weather. The course is on a greenway with a lot of bridges so they’re afraid of them icing over. :( Enjoy your weekend!


Wow I wish we had a festival of trees close to us! It looks like a really fun event to do together!


Your treadmill runs always inspire me. I can’t wait to get back on mine!
I’m so hungry right now I could just eat that whole bag of kettle corn!


Chocolate bears!! Yum!!! Treadmill runs are torturous to me… But it’s better than not running or running in the cold!! :)


Those polar bears in the Coke display are so cute!!


Chocolate covered peppermint joe joes AND chocolate covered cinnamon bears??! I am on my way over!!!


I need to make it out to Salt Lake at least once in my life.. my cousin lives there! How cool they donate everything to the children hospital! Have a great weekend Janae:)


those trees are legit!!


Chocolate cinnamon bears are a must in the glove compartment and they should also be carried in one’s purse…or at least that’s what I do. ;)


I remember when my daughter was a toddler and used to stretch with me after I ran. That and enjoying Christmas trees are both fun memories!


We tried to go to the festival of trees but ended up stuck in crazy traffic and just ended up going to scheels instead… I was so sad.. The gingerbread houses are my favorite!


What a great festival and beautiful trees! Ahh, your mom is super sweet….don’t we all just want to be sweet mom’s after all?


Hey, I forgot to mention I made the Kneader’s Sugar Cookie recipe the other day…..BEST EVER!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!


Brooke must have wanted you to get a good run in!

Those Christmas tree displays are really pretty. Sounds like a great charitable organization!


How sweet of your mom. I hope to be that kind of mom to my son when he is old enough to eat his favorite candy : )


I would love caramel and cinnamon bears … or white chocolate <3


omg I LOVE CHOCOLATE CINNAMON BEARS! I actually have never seen them sold in bags like that, I’ve only found them in candy shops where they’re in the plastic bins!


Wow that is so cool! So glad they were able to sell so many. What a great way to raise money!


Sounds like a nice tradition :-)

Note: when I attempted to write tradition I wrote Trader Joes instead – ha!


if i lived in utah, i would definitely go to the festival of trees – those trees look amazing! i’m hoping my family gets our tree this weekend because i can’t wait to decorate it. =)


Neat festival!!! My dad works for coke in KY and has for 40 years so we have some pretty cool Christmas Coke stuff!! It is neat to look at how it has changed over the years. The coke Santa is my favorite of all time”


Aww I LOVE that Festival of Trees idea- so neat!! I wanna go to something like that! :) And yum, choco cinnamon bears. We’re off to Trader Joe’s today! Can’t wait to get some yummy peppermint goodies!



Those trees look amazing — love the idea behind it too! I love Nordstrom Rack… you can find such good deals there! :)


Ever since my marathon got cancelled last night I have been chomping on cinnamon bears like whoa. I think I need some chocolate covered ones ASAP.


The second one is my aunt and uncle’s tree. They do a Disney themed one every year. Last year they had a Mickey Mouse kitchen that came with the tree. Wish I could take any of them home!


No way!!!! That is seriously so cool! Their tree was incredible!


That Disney cabin is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! Looks like such a blast and I’m sure Brooke will love it even more when she’s older :) Christian and I are braving the negative temps to go downtown to the Christmas Stroll which has Santa, hot cocoa, gingerbread house contest, etc!


I love the festival of trees event!! It’s so amazing what they do to the trees!

Mmmm TJ’s has the best stuff!


Going to the festival of trees is one of my favorite things to do for the holidays. My mom and I used to go every year but unfortunately I don’t live close enough to her anymore to do that. You are so lucky to be so close to family!!


What a thoughtful surprise from your mum!


Oh I love those TJ’s coconut candy bars!!!!!! Good choice!


I honestly have never had or heard of chocolate cinnamon bears until you mentioned them on the blog. The first time you wrote about them I thought you were making it up!!!! I am on a mission to find them! I believe you have to try every candy at least once! ;)


Great job on your run!! You are kicking winter’s booty! I need to take a page from your book and start working harder. You have mentioned the cinnamon bears before. I have had the regular, but chocolate covered sounds amazing! I need to go on a search to find them. :)

The Christmas traditions are fantastic. I love that you are working so hard to make the holidays special for Brooke. And of course that you’re also having so much fun! It’s fun to read.


Brooke is adorable :)
Festival of trees? What a cool idea. How are people so creative! Tonight was the second night we went to our towns creche exhibit and the creativity the director has to envision a different way to display all the nativities just blows my mind. Oh and I think I told u it was not over 200 but actually there are 750 nativities displayed there. Amazing.
This was my daughters first year singing in the choir there and we loved it.

I love chocolate covered gummy bears but Ive never even seen chocolate cinnamon ones. I will have to look for those.


I’ve had those days where I just kept running, but it’s usually only 8 not 12, you’re crazy/awesome!


I feel like I should keep snacks in my glove compartment. That’s genius.

The festival of trees looks awesome. We used to go to something like that when I was a kid.


My daughter and I took the grandkids to our Festival of the Trees. Like your all proceeds are donated to a community organization. My favorite tree was all done in owls and it had a tree stump with a family of owls perched on it. I’ve collected owls since 1972 and would have loved to buy it for my very own (but the bids were prohibitive).


What a fun holiday event! I’m planning on going to the National Christmas Tree in DC on Friday – it’s not big but fun with a decorated tree for each state!


Wow!! Those treats are amazing!
Chocolate, cinnamon bears? Hmm…not sure I could handle that.

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