Fighting the Winter Blues

Remember how this blog used to be just about running/fitness/food and now I write about whatever I have been thinking about lately and I probably overshare a little too much?  

Yeah.  Sorry about that.

Winter is here and I think most of us notice our moods changing a little bit during the cold and dark months (unless you live in the ‘sunny year round places’).  I wanted to make a list for myself of ways to enjoy the winter months rather than spending the next few months counting down the seconds until spring.  

Basically these are things that I think are going to work for me to help me to keep up my fitness (I have been sleeping in a lot more lately and skipping my runs) and keep up my happiness when it is freezing outside.  

1.  Think to THANK.  This is the number one thing that I have been doing to keep positive.  It is so easy to get caught up on dwelling on the hard parts of life but there really is so much to be thankful for.  When I focus on all of the things I don’t have or things that I have been going through = an awful day.  When I appreciate all of the absolutely incredible things I have in my life (which is easy to do… besides that whole divorce thing;) my whole world is a lot brighter.


2.  Get outside.  Yes, it is cold but we need to get outside.  Even if it is just for a few minutes to walk the dog… there is just something so amazing about being outside that is good for our souls.

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3.  Exercise.  You knew I was going to talk about this one.  What better way to combat the winter blues than with a sweaty workout each day.  Getting that blood flowing and getting yourself out of the house will help to feel better.  Keep up with your training.  Runners DON’T hibernate.  


3a.  Hit up the gym.  If you have never been to a spin class before I really think that you should.  I went to a lunch time spin class today and it was incredible.  She even had us do some weights while on the bike.  

My dad used to walk 5 miles a day outside but now that it is so freezing he goes walking in the mall early in the morning (it is open for walkers early!).  I go walking in the mall but mainly just back and forth from J Crew to Carters.  


4.  Eat better.  I am the last person on this planet that would advise anyone to cut out treats/desserts or give advice on nutrition but I think it is important (and I’m working on it) to eat more vegetables/fruits/whole grains.  I am a fan of filling your body with a lot of vegetables and nutrients…. and then your favorite treats (i.e. diet coke and 7 Layer Bars).  I notice a difference in my mood when I don’t include ‘healthy’ foods in my diet.  We were just made to feel good when we eat good foods.

5.  Simplify.  De-stress this holiday season.  You don’t actually have to do it all… simplify your to do list for the holidays and allow yourself some time to breathe.  And go to yoga. Or sit by the heater with your sister all the day (yes, Brooke is the one that gave us the idea to do this).


And those are my 5 main ways (I am sure you have heard all of them a million times before) to enjoy the winter.  

And a few more include: watch hilarious movies, eat chocolate (I promise it works), spend time with family/friends/random people that make you happy, service, read HRG (jk), get an incredibly warm blanket that makes you excited to go home to and cuddle up with, take hot baths (please tell me you like baths), read, book a vacation somewhere warm and the list goes on and on and on.  


Added bonus:  Looking at pictures of Brooke on a daily basis is proven to make the cold/winter days better.

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Or you can watch videos where Brooke is laughing all of the time too.  

I hope your December is going great so far and that you are staying warm!!!

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Fighting the winter blues and staying positive is something I consciously have to work on too! I’m a sunny Phoenician gal after all. ;) I love all of your ideas/tips! Ahhhh that video of Brookers – just adorable! Baby laughs are the best thing ever.


I take vitamin D during the winter months. We are rarely outside because it is so cold. It seems to help with mood. Exercise for sure.


This post was SO uplifting for me today…having a “blah” day and it really made me feel a lot better. And Brooke’s laugh is so infectious – she’s perfect :)


That video of Brooke laughing!! Oh how I love her laugh. That seriously just made my day.

Great list! It has been so freakin cold that as soon as I get hone from the gym and get Anna out the door for school I never want to move or feel that cold air again. Pretty sure 1hr at the gym doesn’t negate being completely immobile the rest of the day. Dang.


Oh my gosh there really is nothing better than a baby laughing!


Brooke’s tree shirt is the cutest thing ever!


Exercising and focusing on how blessed I am def helps me fight the blues….and lots of hot chocolate ;)


Everything about her is adorable…the laugh, the sweater, the piggies!
I love these reminders. Winter can be so hard with the dark and cold and it seems harder when you’re going through tough stuff.
I’m staying plenty warm..mostly because I haven’t left my house all day :)


I totally understand the whole ‘changing mood when it’s cold outside’ theory. As soon as temperatures got below 10 degrees I was a grumpy beast. When it got to -20, anyone who tried to talk to me got to talk to a raging villain instead ;) Love these tips!



Seriously, moms are the best. And no worries about sharing non-running stuff. While we love to run, there IS more to life that just pounding the pavement.


Love your list! You included talking your dog for a walk, but I think spending time with pets in general is such a mood booster.

Brooke really has the right idea in spending so much time with Maggie. Pets can always put a smile on your face! Play frisbee or fetch with your dog, drive your cat crazy with a laser light, etc. I can’t be the only one who loves pets right?! :)


I definitely have to put effort into keeping myself upbeat during the winter, but you have some great suggestions! Even if I hate being out in the cold, a ten minute walk with the dog is good for both of us – fresh air always does us some good!


Thank you for the uplifting post! I just went on a run and even though I was sweating, I was cold the entire time! Not the most motivating thing, but I’m happy I did it and I DO feel better from being outside… Happy Tuesday! :-D


I have a few “winter hobbies” I LOVE–my current favorite is knitting :) And baking holiday treats! It keeps the winter blues away, warms up the oven, and makes the house smell so good. (I bake in the summer too, but it is almost a punishment to run the oven in the heat…haha)


Brooke’s laugh is adorable and I love all of the tips – I actually do read HRG to cheer up!


That video is the cutest!


Over sharing is what makes a good blog in my opinion :-)


Great tips. You are so right, year round we should really make an effort to remember these things and actually try and do them. It so good for the mind and soul. Best mantra is really to view the glass as half full. It can always be worse and we have so much to be thankful for!


I’ve been sleeping in a ton lately and skipping out on my runs. I do miss the endorphins of my morning outdoor runs, but honestly I’m enjoying the break from my training and routine. Warm beds and a pot of coffee make my winter mornings happy :)


These are excellent ways to stay happy! It’s really hard to stay positive and keep moving when it’s freezing out, but it really is the best for us! I’m with you about eating healthier.. I keep trying! haha


I also like a good ok’ movie and a fire night :-)


Great ideas especially the one watching Brook laugh, gosh she is so cute :) We all fall subject to the winter blahs. I find, like you mentioned getting out in the fresh air once a day especially nice. Wearing bright~cheer me up colors, and yes…..rubbing some tanning or coconut oil on. The smell brings me right to the summer at the beach and it really does lift my moods:) Have a great day:)


Ooo tanning/coconut oil is a good idea! I love those tropical smells. :)


#2– preach!! I’m a firm believer that if you don’t get outside you’re soooooo much more prone to unhappiness in these winter months!


Such a great post! I love the suggestions for the blanket, half my reason for coming home ;), and I love the getting outside. This helps so much!


How can that laugh not put you in a good mood?!


Great tips, girl! Especially the one about chocolate ;) I usually get hit with a pretty big dose of the SADs in winter, but I’ve found that getting outside and doing something I love (snowboarding) has worked wonders in getting me through. I’ve actually just recently started to enjoy baths again, which has been helping a tonne as well.


First of all, LOVE those color of running shoes you had on (the light blue ones)!!
Second, thank you for posting this. I’ve heard many of them before, but its always really nice to know that most everybody struggles in the dark cold winter with trying to stay jolly and motivated so thank you for sharing and reminding us!
Third, little kid laughs are THE best!!


I so agree with your tips, this is the hardest time of the year for me, considering the darkness and cold. I get out and run as much as I can, even though it’s often only on the weekends.

And…looking at pictures of Brooke makes me smile daily, too :-D


The timing for this post is so perfect. I’ve been having a really down, winter blues kind of day. Thanks for the great tips!

In all honesty, reading your blog every day makes me feel better.


Great Post!!


Part of the reason I disliked Upstate NY so much was how the sky and atmosphere was just so grey and dingy in the wintertime. I missed sunshine and warmth. I am not a fan of the cold and I can def understand that in Utah. I just remind myself that it will get better at some point…ha.


All of that was great winter advice. Especially the parts about diet coke and chocolate.

I also think its important to take some time to ourselves if we need it! I feel pressured a lot of the time to keep doing/going/being superhuman (and most of this pressure is self-imposed), but taking a day here and there to just reflect and go on pinterest and decompress is so very important.

At least that is what I’m telling myself because its exactly what I’m doing today! Maybe I’ll vacuum to say I’ve accomplished something. Maybe.


Great tips! I’ve lost some motivation lately, and I missed some of my morning runs and opted to stay in bed instead. I know it’s a slippery slope, and I need to turn it around ASAP. This definitely helps!


This was such a great post!!! Yes to all of this! I have written time and time again of the importance of looking at the positive things in life rather than dwelling on the negative! True, some really terrible things happen to each of us in our lives, but it’s how we deal with the cards we are dealt that define us as people! It’s so important to focus on the good in life, because when you do so you realize just how many good things there are! :)

Also, chocolate. And endorphins. Amen.



What an uplifting, and much needed post today :) Coming from the person who has also been sleeping in way too much lately :)
My December has been good. I do not have access to a real spin class, so I bought an all access pass to a website, and I think of you sometimes and think you must be an amazing spin instructor (ok, this might be a little creepy ;))
By the way, that picture of the symptoms of not running=classic and!!!!


Running outside has totally helped me fight the blahs….Not having really had a winter for 3 years, and having always HATED the cold and snow, I was leary of it this year. But, a weird thing happened. I’m enjoying it!! And I get to buy fun new warm running gear too! Great list!! :)


oh gosh all this cold is really getting to me. It’s painful just to walk the half mile to the gym now with all the wind!


You don’t have to fight the winter blues if you find a reason to love winter weather –> learn to ski/snowboard! Or try snowshoeing, or cross-country skiing. These combine exercise, fresh air, friends and crazy fun. Plus trying something new is awesome for your general psyche. Trust me, I only learned to ski a few years ago and now I really love it and get up nearly every weekend. I love winter!


Oh my gosh. The giggling Brooke. *swoon* I’m in love.


I love that you write about whatever pops in your head! Thanks for this post – I am in desperate need of these tips.


LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! I live in the coldest city in Pennsylvania and we don’t see the sun for weeks straight, so sometimes you have to really make yourself get out there and stay moving! The gym is a great place to do that – it’s not always easy but it really is always worth it!


Listening to my kids laugh is the best! Makes you forget all the hustle of the world. Embrace the moment! xo


I wrote a post like this about surviving the holiday season. I have depression and I’m definitely feeling better than in past months. The holidays can be a big trigger for me though. I included most of your five and stand by those! I also think not having huge expectations of ourselves and others helps. Also, you and Brooke always have the cutest clothes! Please come dress me :)


These tips are so sweet! Love them!


#1 & #5 are working for me right now :)

It’s cold for us (low 40s) but sunny mostly. December is looking like a winner over here :)


Fighting the winter blues is difficult! I have definitely come down with a bad case of the WB’s and need to get myself out of the rut. Today was a snow day for us (yay!) and I made pancakes, took naps, watched movies and finally around 5 pm I dragged myself to the treadmill. It was an awesome reminder that the hardest step is out the door! I loved the endorphin rush post run and need to bottle that feeling and remember it on cold, dreary days :)

Karen @karenlovestorun


Loved the video. I turned it on and my 2 year old son, Blake, ran across the room to watch. Then it suggested we watch a video compilation of babies laughing at dogs which kept Blake busy for 4 minutes :) Thanks for that!


You’re such an inspiration janae! You make so many people smile!


this post made me so happy. i completely agree with #2 – my daily walks are helping me beat the winter blues, even though i’m usually freezing my bum off :)


Great list! There is something so healing about being outdoors. No matter the weather, the fresh air just soothes my soul.


I dont feel like you share too much. You have a good balance of things to talk about. I like that you write about whats going on with u. Even if that means its random. That’s real life. Plus, some things in life change daily and of course your blog would evolve this way too. You totally brighten my day Janae and I say a little prayer for u whenever your name pops in my head!
Boo for no days full of sun and warmth for you but yay that you have such a loving family to share it with. Sometimes life is so hard and you think you arent going to make it (like dragging thru the winter) and then you get a break and life is good again. As long as you try and do the best you can on most days, it will work out (even when it feels like it wont. Speaking from my own experience here but I think it can apply to you too.)
Hang in there. You are amazing! And thank u for sharing a part of your life to inspire me! Im sure thats not so easy sometimes.


Getting out even to walk the dog for 15-20 minutes is a HUGE mood booster, especially when I get home from work after a long day. We just had our first snowfall here in NYC (well only like 3 inches) and it’s cold out and icy but We bundle up (yup even got a coat for the dog) and just do it. As long as you’re moving you stay warm so it’s a win win.

That quote about the storm/dancing in the rain is so perfect.


I have to remember all of these things too. I have my ups and downs during the winter, but exercise definitely makes me feel better!


Couldn’t agree more — I’m always in such a better mood when I get outside even when it’s freezing cold.


That is one of my favorite quotes! I’ve been going through a tough time the past few months with a miscarriage (at 14 weeks) and I have a post-it with that exact quote on it taped to my bathroom mirror…obviously I’m a pretty classy lady ;) I’m somewhat of a new reader, and I just want you to know that I have drawn strength from your situation. You’re always so positive, and while sometimes my heart aches reading the pregnancy posts or baby updates of other bloggers, your daughter is SO cute and always makes me smile.


I wish I could give you a big hug right now Kim! You are incredible and if you ever need an email pal, I am your woman! Thinking about you!


I usually get hit hard with the winter blues, but SF has been really sunny, so I just go out for an afternoon run and I haven’t yet had to deal with the blues :D
And of course, listening to cute babies laughing always helps!


Some things I love to do to fight off the winter blahs: a hot cup of tea, reading a good book in front of the fireplace, a hot bath, chatting with a friend, snuggles with my dog :)


Love this post..I am fighting the blues now too :)


You need to have a blanket over your lap while you’re sitting over the heater, silly!!! It’s amazing… It’s like your own tropical paradise…You’re welcome! :)


That video of Brooke laughing is the best! It made me laugh! Thank you for the reminders of thing to do. Its also have to know you aren’t alone in the blues department. ;)


I LOVED this post! I needed that. I get so grumpy during the winter and I’m trying to be more positive lately. Thanks for all the tips:) I’m going to the gym right now actually.


I agree with everything you said. To stay warm, I love smartwool socks. If your feet are warm it helps. My problem is my hands get super cold while I’m working at a computer. Any suggestions?


To keep from feeling the winter blues, I try to focus on the advantages of winter, like pomegranates and cranberries being in season, love those. And not having to rush home from the grocery store when you buy ice cream because it’s usually halve melted by the first mile. That’s nice.


I love all your little reminders!! Think to thank… My new motto.

If I’m being honest, it sounds like you are BEGGING to come visit Florida. I’m a great tour guide/listener/jogging buddy/fro-yo enthusiast/gal to hang with I AM JUST SAYING.


How do you do weights on a spin bike??


Love these! You’re the best :)


Great tips! I live in New Hampshire and it’s getting wicked cold, but I find a good cold run will make me so much happier. Good luck to you (and love those shoes!)


Love this little list & I couldn’t agree more :-)


Even living in Texas, where it is semi warm most of the time, I tend to get the Winter blues. The lack of sunshine, the cooler weather, it just makes it hard to get motivated and be happy some days. Still, I agree that it is SO important to make an effort to continue doing things that make you happy. Working out, getting outside and eating healthy are my go to ways to keep me sane!


Yeah, cold, not really a problem down here in Florida. But I do agree, chocolate makes us happy! Eat More Chocolate!


Love this! The exercise one is so true- it was SUCH a struggle to run today, but once I started I didn’t want to stop. It does make you feel so much better. I also agree 100% with going outside, it is good for your soul :)


Reading HRG as a pick me up is no joke!


Also having a dance party can make you happy!


I have a question for you! My BFF and I just recently discovered spin classes (or any class for that matter) and are obsessed. We definitely have a spin-diction! Just curious if you have done any posts about workout gear that you use for your spin classes. Do you have specific spin shoes? Or do you wear your running shoes? Also, any spin tips for a couple of newbies? Thanks!


I second this request! Just started recently too and loving it. Would quite like the shoes too!!


Kids really do help keep everything in perspective. My little one helps me stay positive and keep perspective. Thanks for the post!


I went to my first spin class a month or so ago… couldn’t walk for 3 days after or run for about 5 -_- never again


I definitely agree to making a conscious decision to focus on something we have right now that brings us joy rather than focusing on what Will bring us joy in the future. AND baking yummy cookies and hibernating in a winter blanket and watching lifetime christmas movies…


I’m definitely keeping warm…a little too warm! Love your blog. I don’t think you overshare, I appreciate your honesty. Its good that one can always find something to be thankful for, even in really tough times.


I loved your post like all the other ones. Brooke’s photos make my day as well.

Please don’t apologize for the things you write or not write. After all blogging, like living, is something very personal and you can post whatever you want.


You don’t over share at all! You’re a class act!

Funny you mention spin class….I went to one yesterday. I love winter spin! Such a nice change of pace.


I definitely need to get myself outside…mostly because Bungee hasn’t had real exercise in days, so I should probably walk her. The treadmill is definitely my winter best friend!


These are great tips! It’s so hard to get outside because the horrendously cold temperatures already this winter but I think it’d cheer me up.
I’ve said this before but I (and I’m sure many others) look up to you and are praying for you during all this Janae. While Tyler and I weren’t married, or even engaged, we spent years together and he is my best friend so going through this break(up) during the holidays and cold winter is difficult/


Brooke’s laugh is so cute!


Best purchase of 2013…..An electric heated fitted matress pad! It goes under your fitted sheet (but goes on the same way).
We have a queen, and it comes with 2, yes 2!! remotes. So I can control my temp and my husband can control his side.

Nothing better than turning that on when we get home at night. Then when we go to bed and peel back the covers, the bed is toasty warm. Its like…..getting into a heated pool..but only with your clothes on : )


I have been meaning to ask you if you can share how you became a spin teacher? I am interested in checking into it. I love spin, but I am so worried I wont have the ‘personality’ for it. And also worry that I wont have a good variety of music?
I know, strange things to worry about. But I am not a spring chicken and want to get certified and try before I get too old, haa!


What a great post! It comes the day after I got some unfortunate medical news, so I needed this today! No matter how many times people say the same ways for combating the blues, it’s always a great reminder.


it has been so cold here, I love Brooke, let me know when she wants to come visit so you can go out ;)


Thanks for this post- I needed this push because I’ve been sleeping in too!! And then I feel bad about missing my workout plus I don’t sleep as well which means I don’t feel motivated to get up early to workout and the cycle continues…


Last year was the first time I experiences depression, and it was right in the middle of winter. This year I’m determined not to let the winter blues get to me! These are some really good tips. I totally agree that I’m much happier when I get good nutrients, our bodies really are meant to eat them! Exercise helps SO much.I agree that we need to get outside and get that Vitamin D!


What kind of shoes are under #2- Getting outside? They are so cute!


I am in love with Brooke’s little Christmas tree shirt! I wish I wasn’t too old for clothes like that! haha. I almost have the opposite problem living in California (and being from Boston) – its never cold enough/wintery enough for me here from October through February! I combat this by getting up wicked early to run when it is still coldish outside! Today it was in the 30’s – WAHOO!


I was contemplating skipping the gym today and this post made me decide to go and take a spin class. I am soooo glad I did! Thanks for the motivation :)


I love your list! Those are perfect ways to fight the Winter Blues! I always find myself snuggling my daughter with hot coffee or a quick workout sesh helps me!! Hot chocolate does sound amazing right now though! We are finally above negative temps here!!!
P.S. Brooke is so cute and sweet!!!


I would totally say to read your blog to feel better- you’re always so positive and a great influence!


For what it’s worth, I love your thought process blogs! One of the (many) reasons you’re my favorite blogger. Thank you for continuing to write, even when it’s hard. You’re amazing!!


Wise words – I 100% agree. I think we’d all be a lot happier if only we got outside a bit more, moved our bodies a bit more and ate a bit more chocolate. :-)


I love taking baths :)

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