Playlist and 2 things that made me sad.

Brooke already knows how to get grandma to get her whatever she wants at the toy store.  This is her ‘pretty please with a cherry on top can I have this stuffed animal’ face.  The toy store trip was very successful for Ms.  Brooke.  

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And for the first time in a week I ate dinner at home last night.  It felt kind of weird to have to do my own dishes.  Oh wait, my dinner of toast, leftovers, yogurt and an apple didn’t require any dishes.  

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Two things about my mom that made me sad:

1.  I found out yesterday that she is NOT a Coldstone person?  AKA she doesn’t really care for Coldstone ice cream.  I know. 

2.  She had never eaten a donut shop donut (she had only tried grocery store and krispy kreme donuts which do not count as real donuts in my opinion).  Brooke (half asleep when we went) and I decided we had to take her for dessert.

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Baby and mini donut in the same picture….doesn’t get any better for me.  

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And my beautiful apple fritter.  I may have now hooked my mom on donut shops.

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It is a spin and running morning for me.  I haven’t posted a playlist in way too long so here is this morning’s mix.  I couldn’t remember what number of playlist it is hence the ?


Interesting read: How Pregnancy Changes a Runner’s Body.  Um, yeah.  I have definitely noticed huge changes in both my running and in spin.  I do feel like I am a stronger runner now compared to before I had Brooke but the first few months after having her I felt like I was running with a completely different body.  Doing all of this core work that my coach has had me do has helped it feel a little more normal now.    


Runners that have had kids…have you noticed big differences in your body when you run post baby?

Is there somewhere that you have never been to before that everyone else has (i.e. my mom and a donut shop)?

Last group exercise class that you went to?  Did you enjoy it?

Donut or cupcake? 

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I noticed a huge difference at first too but now it feels like home again :-) I COMPLETELY agree with feeling like a stronger runner. I didn’t run much the first year after having Noah and then I ran a 3:15 marathon. I think you become really mentally tough! I choose a cupcake as long as it has tons of frosting. If not than a cream filled donut!



My last group exercise class was too long ago but it was a spin class. Always love spin (even when it makes me want to die ;)


I STILL have yet to go to a frozen yogurt place (like Yogurt Lane, Yogurtz, Orange Leaf, Red Mango, etc) There are so many and I have never gone!!!

I am not pregnant and do not plan on being any time soon (ha i am unmarried and 23!) but I am trying to eat more to get my period back and i am a very anxious to see how an extra 15 lbs of body weight will sit on me and affect my running!!!!


I agree, I feel like I am a much stronger runner now after baby. I love it! It amazes me that God makes our bodies so strong. Strong enough to carry a child, birth it and keep on living and doing everything after that!


I’m not a coldstone person, but it’s less about the ice cream and more about the singing. It probably means I have no heart, but I can’t stand the singing!


Although I love to ride and use my bike a few times a week, I have never taken a spin class!
I have never been to lulu lemon even though we have had multiple stores for years! (I live in canada where is started.)
I bet Brooke will miss having grandma’s attention and love!


AHH! The picture of Brooke & her mini donut is priceless. You MUST frame that & put it in your kitchen or somewhere that you can see it everyday! She definitely gets her donut love from her Momma :D
I notice a HUGE change after Gabriella- I am SO much stronger & can really push myself. I am the strongest runner that I have ever been- mentally & physically. And I’m SO glad you told me how important core strength is- amazing the difference it makes. My core is very strong now & my times keep improving- I definitely see a connection.


I am more of a froyo person myself, but I would never turn down some Coldstone! Those doughnuts looking AMAZING. Sadly all we have here is Krispie Creme and Dunkin Doughnuts – I would love a hometown doughnut shop!


My grandpa owned a bakery/donut shop and my Uncle did as well… I got to work over night making them all before! I love donuts! They make me Go Nuts! (Okay early morning cheesy joke.)
I have never been to chipotle! I keep begging my bf to take me (it’s an hr away but right by where he works so he gets it once a week.) Not fair! I get really jealous of him. I may have to pack the kids up one day and take a road trip for lunch.


OMG, get to a Chipotle IMMEDIATELY. it’s the bomb.


Yoga! I loved it last night!


My mom doesn’t like Cold Stone either, but it’s the clanging of the ice cream scoop against the marble that gives her the willies-I think I’d just have to get over that. Donuts AND cupcakes as I wind down a week long sugar detox. My last group class was spinning-it kills me, but I love it. I don’t know what is more precious, Brooke and her little donut or Brooke looking at her grandma!


Can I change the question to: Is there something that you have never watched before that everyone else has? For me it would be ‘Friends’. Now granted it’s been off the air for God-only-knows how long but even my guy friends have seen it. Personally I don’t think I missed out on anything but I never really understood what was so great about the ‘Rachel’ haircut….

The last group exercise class I went to was a zumba class. It actually was a lot of fun though way too crowded. Shouldn’t there be a max to some of these classes?

Cupcake. Though, it would truly be heaven if you could combine both into one delicious treat!


Definitely cupcakes if I had to choose between the two, but I actually prefer muffins the best. Just something about muffins that I like more.
I feel so out of the blogger loop since i’ve never been to a trader joe’s, target, or chipotle. It’s beginning to feel sad.


Wait.. you’ve never been to Target?!? What!! Cannot compute.


The last class I went to was spin! It was awesome, but only a 30-minute class. I’ve not had a doughnut in over 8 years, although once Dunkin’ comes out with their gluten free doughnuts that will all change. There a doughnut shop close to my house that seriously has the most incredible doughnuts, or at least they smell like they’re incredible!


Post Susanna my running did change quite a bit. I didn’t notice a huge change in my core as I pushed that element of training throughout the pregnancy. Even with a c-section, my core was quite strong soon after she was born.

I’ve noticed more of a change in my yoga practice than my running. Practicing with a baby that is crawling and attempting to walk all over me requires a great deal of patience, focus, and laughter (or practicing at some very unique times of the day).

I love cupcakes, but donuts are such a special treat that I adore them a bit more.


Brooke’s ‘pretty please with a cherry on top can I have this stuffed animal’ face is the cutest thing ever. I don’t know how you ever resist buying her anything she wants…I definitely would.

The last group exercise class I took was a spin class…I was the only one under the age of like, 50 haha. (Other than our instructor.) It gave me a good workout, though, and I suppose that’s the only thing that matters in the end. :)


The last group exercise class I did was barre about a month ago. I may be giving up running for another month though which would mean I’ll be trying out spinning and finding a good Zumba instructor. Rough life. I haven’t had donuts since April. That needs to change. Stat.


Now that you mention it, I’ve never had a doughnut shop doughnut either!

I tried a Kickboxing class just last night and kinda loved it.


I’ve never been to a frozen yogurt place. :( We don’t have any around here or I else I would go all the time!


I’ve never been pregnant but I can’t imagine running as much as you did when you were carrying Brooke! When I read your posts during that time, because let’s not lie, I discovered your blog and then binge read from the beginning, I was AMAZED!

Last group class was Pilates last night, and I loved it, but my instructor is leaving the gym and last night was her last class.


How about a cake donut with frosting? Best of both worlds


I’m definitely more of a cupcake person! Although I do love apple fritters… I’ve just had way too many bad donuts, and even a bad cupcake is better than a bad donut. If that makes sense?
Plus cupcakes have frosting :)

I used to do spin class as much as I ran, but we cancelled our gym memberships recently to cut back on costs while we save for a house. So sadly, no classes for me for awhile :( I need to break out the old workout dvds and start doing some yoga and cross-training though!


Yeah.. I’ve never had froyo. I know. I’m bad. I don’t have a froyo place anywhere near me! :( But I do have the best donut shop EVER. So donuts > cupcakes.


My daughter will be 6 months old tomorrow and I would have to say that I feel like a better runner post baby. It was really tough getting back into running after having her, but I feel like I am a stronger runner now than before my pregnancy (maybe it’s just that everything seems a little easier now that I’ve given birth!). :)

Donut please!!


Oh my gosh, Brooke is the cutest!!!


When it comes to ice cream I feel like I have to share my opinion….ha!

My sweet of treat is and always has been ice cream…..although, I would never turn down Coldstone it would not be my first choice. I am a lover of the DQ blizzard what can I say. ;-)

And donuts??? No thanks, I will have a cupcake.


Cupcakes. Always cupcakes :) Last class I took was biker barre (half spin/half barre) and I loved it sooooooo much.


Brooke has such animated expressions! Hmmm, I think my vote is for cupcakes. While a really good donut hits the spot every now and then, I think I could eat cupcakes every day and never tire of them.

Thanks for the link about post-pregnancy bodies & running. Definitely going to check it out. One thing I pay more attention to post-babies is making sure I keep my hips and core strong to prevent injuries.


I’ve never been to a donut shop either, but I don’t like donuts…so there’s that. Maybe if I went to a donut shop, though, I’d be able to find one that I actually like. I guess my answer would be cupcake ;)

The last group exercise class I went to was a strength training class. I love it..I go every week, twice a week :D I’m going to miss it for two weeks when I’m in Costa Rica for work and I’m scared I’m going to come back and my arms are gonna be noodles again.


Hmmmm I think I would have to pick a donut, more specifically an Apple Fritter. Can’t make those at home ;) But I’d rather go to Apple Hill and get their Apple Fritters, they are too good to be true, plus it is really nice that they are the size of the bag they are in, which is pretty big!!


The donut or cupcake questions is an easy one for me. I like donuts but I LOVE cupcakes. Cupcake please!


Never been to a donut shop.. don’t even like donuts. I can say no to both donuts and cupcakes but bring on the ice cream shops and I’m down.


DONUTS!!!!!!!!!!!! Being preggo right now…. you just totally made me crave donuts like WOAH!!!


I am due in November and very nervous about how my body and running will change. Hoping to power through it!

I went to a “nightclub cardio” class on Wednesday – that was interesting!! And spin this morning, but that’s a regular.

Donut OR cupcake? Put your hands together….donut cake! ;)


DONUT all the way! It’s been far too long since I’ve been to a real donut shop. That needs to change pronto. Maybe donuts for breakfast tomorrow? Mmmmm.


Cupcakes!!! I absolutely love cupcakes! My boyfriend would choose donuts over absolutely anything though… Especially mini donuts. It’s pretty hilarious how much he loves them.

I went to a “killer drills and skills” class a little while ago and it was awesome! I really loved it! I’m having a super fitness first summer as a teacher and it is feeling amazing! So much running, biking and workouts :)


After four kids, there are definitely some issues I deal with when running. I’ll just leave it at that :) My #4 is about two weeks younger than Brooke, but I am always so amazed that she looks much older than my daughter. I still think of mine as a baby but Brooke looks like a full-fledged toddler to me!


I didn’t run before I had kids, so I really can’t compare! For the first few years after I had kids I felt like my body had changed a lot. Now that I’m five years out I feel like it didn’t. So I can’t tell if I just got used to my new body or if things really did gradually move back.

Donut shop donuts are the best!


I am jealous of every place you put on your posts, so as far as places I want to go… You can just think of all the places you go to! Oh, and I hate donuts (don’t hate me) but I do want to go to Voodoo Donuts and all the breakfast places on Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives!


I’ve never been to Donut Shop either. I’m coming out to your area before the year is out because one of my best friends is moving out there. So I expect to meet up with you at Donut Shop :)


I’d go for a cupcake over a doughnut cause cupcakes have frosting!


Doughnuts! From Tim Hortons! :)

I’m actually not a Coldstone person either. I can’t have any of their toppings b/c they don’t have any way of respecting allergies on their stones by preventing cross-contamination, so that means that all I can have is plain ice cream, which makes me feel left out.

Happy Friday!


I don’t love Coldstone either. Then again, I much prefer FROYO.
I didn’t really run much (other than playing soccer) before babies, but after having 5 babies, I definitely believe that my body is stronger and healthier now. How about just the top of a cupcake?


Thank you SO much for posting that article. I have been anxious about how my body will be after baby (luckily I am 32 weeks and still able to do 5-milers). I will for sure be paying attention to core work once she’s here. I am looking forward to hopefully being a stronger runner post-baby… I’ll need it for those hilly stroller runs!

You’re the best!


Donut shop donuts are the best. Ever. I’m glad she finally got to experience it. My parents would buy a dozen blueberry glazed donuts from a shop by their house and freeze them so they could just take them out and pop them in the toaster oven whenever they wanted one. Such a great way to make them last longer!! :) Plus, who doesn’t always want donuts readily available?!





I’ve never been to Taco Bell — but I’m actually kind of proud of that!


Cupcakes for me! I make lots of cool cakes though so I am biased. Plus, I try and not have fried things when I can avoid it.


Never been to Red Lobster… not that it’s mind-blowing, but it seems everyone’s been there at least once (and talk about the cheddar-something biscuits).
And I’m starting to grow more fond of donuts (though I was never a donut or cupcake person… I always went for ice cream or fro-yo).


After having my daughter and getting back into running I have been having considerable pain in my hips (mostly my left) while running and after. Some runs are better pain-wise than others. That article was pretty interesting and I will see if focusing more in strengthening my core muscles helps alleviate some pain at all.


I thought Donut Shop was just a brand of coffee for Keurigs! IMO Krispy Kreme are the best donuts ever but I prefer a cupcake with a lot of buttercream icing!!! I went to a Yoglates class this morning. I usually go twice a week. It was hard but a good workout!


Is there somewhere that you have never been to before that everyone else has (i.e. my mom and a donut shop)? Trader Joe’s


Running after kids took me from a marathoner/triathlete of olympic distances prior to babies to a 5k and sprint distance tri girl. But then again I had mine at 40 and 42 so joints, ligaments and my wonderful bladder all were trashed by carrying and birthing naturally a 9.2lb beautiful baby girl. Probably TMI. but orthotics are now my saving grace and we have a local ice cream place in Louisville, CO that you must try if you ever travel this way. It is Sweet Cow Ice Cream and their flavor board is to DIE FOR. it is changed weekly and the owner, Drew is the best guy in the world. Another athletic Mommy, who was a friend and neighbor recently lost her heroic fight to Breast Cancer and Drew allowed me to have his Sweet Cow Moo Truck in our community park and we raised $200 for my dear neighbor’s children’s college fund. Great way to give back!
Keep running and spinning. I love your blog


oof I went to spin last week but it was way too hot and humid for that. We were all drenched by the end and not like the usual gym drenched. I didn’t got back this week haha
I’m really not a fan of cupcakes! I’d rather have brownies :)


Oh my gosh – that first picture of Brooke is ridiculously cute. I’d buy her that puppy too:)


I’ve just recently started going to spin classes again and i love it! It’s a nice break from running but it feels like a great cardio workout nonetheless.

Vanilla long johns all the way! Otherwise, I’d pick a red velvet or carrot cake cupcake :)


Coldstone? Who doesn’t like Coldstone? Ugh- crazy people!!

Looking for a quality running tank? Try a Racerback Sport tank from Expert Brand. It’s all I wear now- running, yoga, going to Coldstone :)


I can’t believe you posted that article! I was going to email you asking if you would write a post about how pregnancy has changed your body, especially since you are runner!!! I do not have children but I am very curious to how my body will react when I do have kids!


Yes, donut shops are far superior to Krispy Kreme. Glad you could share that with your mom!


I had to read that twice to make sure you were saying that your mom has never been to a real doughnut shop and not your daughter… real doughnut places are the best!

I don’t know how pregnancy changed me because I didn’t start running until afterwards – I did Couch 2 5k last July to battle postpartum depression when my second child was 5 months old. My c-section scar has been with me from the start!


I still feel like I get out of breath quicker now than before baby. It’s something I’m trying to work on because the breath is what slows me down! I want to work on quickening my pace so I can PR my next half in September, just trying to figure out what the barrier is to overcome it. Thoughts??! (from other moms!!) :D


I went to spin today and loved it. I’m not sure how your gym is set up, but our spin studio has two large television screens at the front and the instructor plays the music videos to go along with the songs. It is fun to see the crazy costumes and story lines in the videos and it helps distract a bit (but not enough!) from the burning in my legs :-)

This may sound weird but I’m not a cupcake or donut person – it’s chocolate chip cookies with a gooey center all the way!
P.S. I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant with my first child and a bit scared about how running will feel after my baby. You are a great example that you can come back strong!


I can do without the donuts or cupcakes but I absolutely LOVE cookies!!!
Here’s the hand’s down best cookie recipe in the world- especially if you like dark chocolate!!! ( it’s sorta healthy with antioxidants….)


I don’t think I’ve ever been to a ‘real’ donut shop either…I mean, I’ve had Tim Hortons (basically Canadian Dunkin Donuts) donuts, but that’s it. I feel like it only half-counts. So automatically, I’d have to pick cupcakes!


I ran til 30wks pregnant and stopped because of Braxton Hicks. When I was running I would forget I was pregnant (until someone on the street would give me “that look”, either you’re crazy or you’re so cute). So I don’t think anything changed if I could forget about those extra 20+lbs. Now after being back to running for a month, I only notice the weirdness of learning to run with a BOB.

Oh and cupcake. I live for cupcakes.


AWww that pic of Brooke with the mini donut!! SO cute.

I don’t know if I’ve ever had a real donut shop donut?! Take ME? :)


I need to find myself a gluten free donut shop. That would be amazing.


Running postpartum is definitely an interesting adventure! After having my son, my hips were pretty sore when I would run over ~6 miles OR when I would do speedwork. Now, at 4 months postpartum, things are feeling much better! Minus the sleep deprivation :) I think it’s honestly made me faster, possibly due to an increase in pain tolerance? Who knows.

I’ve never been to a donut shop before! But those pictures make me want to go to one really bad now :s haha.

And I’ll always pick a donut over cupcake. A jelly-filled, white-frosted, sprinkle-covered donut :)


i haven’t taken a group exercise class in ages (i think it was a bootcamp class), but i’ve been meaning to try yoga because my body has been feeling a little sore/stiff lately.

i would definitely pick a cupcake over a donut!


Hmm if it’s a really good cupcake, then probably a cupcake. But a good donut is pretty awesome, too. I love that picture of Brooke with a mini donut. You’re training her how to love the good things in life haha!


Last group exercise class I went to was yoga this week. Love it every time! But this was a new to me instructor. I had a really hard time hearing her.

Donut or cupcake? I want the apple fritter pictured above!!


I’ve never been to Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, or Abercrombie/Hollister/American Eagle

Donut … yum!


What if you took a cupcake and cut off the top and put a donut sandwiched between the cupcake halves? Thats what I’d like :) Everyone can be satisfied and have world peace with the donut cupcake.


Huge changes after having my daughter and still adjusting after 2 years! Yikes!


My last group fitness class was this Wednesday, and it was pure barre while I was visiting seattle! I loved it and it was totally different from (and complementary to) running with all of the poses, intense pulsing, etc. My triceps are still sore!
Oh, and vegan cupcakes all the way ;)


Peter’s not a coldstone person either and yeah, it puts a real strain on our relationship ;) Cupcakes over donuts any day!


My favorite running song right now has to be Can’t Hold Us by Macklemore! It’s the best song and a great running song! :)


LOVE ‘Catch My Breath’ … one of my favorite KC songs!


I ran some before kids, but nothing like I do now so I can’t say one way or the other. Now I feel strong and love challenging my body and mind. Mentally, I would say my runs are improved after having kids. I am not a Coldstone fan either. I love Froyo or cake, cupcakes, basically any dessert:)


I’m not really a coldstone fan either, unless they have salted caramel frozen yogurt and then I would go there everyday. I hope we can still be friends.


Once my dad went to Coldstone and got ice cream for us – and came back with JUST vanilla ice cream – we couldn’t believe that’s all he got at a place like Coldstone, hahaha.

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