My first vegan meal and brain training.

You know how kids pick up on their parent’s habits and copy them?  Brooke is living proof of this, she claps as we walk through Costco just like I do.

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I had a fitness instructor meeting at the Y last night but I wasn’t sure if there would be food or not so I made sure to have my favorite cereal combination before leaving.  Being hungry during a meeting is not fun.  My stomach growls really loud so that probably would have been awkward.  

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THERE WAS DINNER.  It was incredible.  It was a vegan meal from the Veggie Grill and I seriously loved every part of it, even the fake chicken in the wrap.  

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After the meeting I came home and played in Brooke’s special fort that she likes to play in all day.

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I am kind of nervous about today’s run.  It is fast (for me).  It is at the end of the week when my legs aren’t fresh but I am going to be stealing all of your amazing mantras to make me be speedy and tell my legs that they really aren’t tired.  

I found THIS and had to share it with you!! I especially loved the part about brain training:

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Any vegans or vegetarians reading?  Anyone been vegan or vegetarian in the past?

Did you have any dessert last night? What was it?

-Vegan carrot cake!

What is your weekend run?

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Not a vegan or veggie but I stay away from chicken beef and turkey. I clap in Costco too. Must be something in the atmosphere.
Thanks for the mind training! 100% agree. Hope your run went well!


I’ve been vegan for 4 months and I love it! Tomorrow I’m doing a 5 mile race-my first time racing that distance even though I’ve done halfs and fulls!


I’m resting today and doing an all downhill 5k tomorrow! I’m excited to PR with this one! I wanted dessert sooo bad last night. I was craving some ice cream but we are going out today and I’m going to talk my bf into froyo. I need ice cream.


My BF is a vegetarian leaning towards vegan so we tend to eat a lot of meatless, eggless meals. I still enjoy a big steak once and a while though!!
I had the last cookie in the house last night after my long run. It was delicious bug I wished for more…
My weekend workouts are (were) 18 miles yesterday, an hour on the bike today plus core, 2 hour run tomorrow then 2 hours on the bike plus yoga on Monday. Yikes!
Have a great weekend :-)


I was veggie for about 2 years, and then one day I ate a piece of chicken, fell in love and have not stopped eating meat sense! No desserts last night, however I was craving a Wendy’s chocolate frosty! Good luck on your weekend run!! I have a trail run planned this week!


I’ve always been a vegetarian. My folks tried to get me to eat meat, and I couldn’t. It just doesn’t work well with my body.

My hub is a full on omnivore and loves meat. Not too long ago he was commissioned to write a piece of literature…for a vegan party in another country. I about lost it when he told me about the project.

Not long after he finished the piece, he ran a 5k that had vegan sponsors. We snapped a pic of him in front of the vegan signage for him to share with those who had commissioned him to write the piece. … Ah, the joys of life!


I am mostly vegetarian and sometime vegan. When we do eat meat its only chicken. Though I have been know to get peperoni on my pizza on occasion. I’m a bad vegetarian hah! All my baking is vegan though. I have a fondness for vegan baking.


First time commenting! Long time ethical vegan here, and I LOVE IT! And your daughter is perfection!


I found the most amazing dark chocolate with coffee flavored filling at the Euro grocery store in town. I had three squares last night and I am obsessed with it!


I will be volunteering at a Brazen trail race today. Then tomorrow, I will be running the SF 1st Half Marathon as the 2:00 pacer :D. I’m so excited!


I was a vegetarian for two years- I switched back though!


I’m vegan and that carrot cake looks SO good. I wish I could make a vegan carrot cake for my hubby’s bday today (I can’t because my local stores don’t carry all the ingredients I need!), instead he’ll have to enjoy a strawberry cake I’m making instead. Things could be worse ;) haha


I don’t know if I’ve ever had a vegan meal. If I did it wasn’t intentional. I hope your run goes well!!! I miss legit training. Here’s to another running break.


I had a chocolate cupcake…which was good, but the % of icing to cake was all wrong (for me). Too much icing. [GASP! I know. This was totally a cupcake for icing lovers. But not for me. Instead, I was eyeing my husband’s chocolate cake. How awful is that? I have a cupcake in front of me, but my eyes are STILL drawn to his cupcake. Come on, Holly, stop being greedy!]


My family is vegan. I love it. I have 3 and 5 year old little girls that have the biggest appetites for vegetables and all things healthy. It makes me a proud mama to wath them eat. It does take a long time to make our food because I don’t use anything processed but it is totally worth it. I have always been a veggie but went vegan a few years ago. My husband is a top age group ironman and has seen a HUGE improvement on how his body responds and recovers since making the switch.

No dessert last night. Just a cup of tea :)


Long time veggie and recent vegan here! I love vegan food, and honestly have noticed such a change in appearance and energy since the shift. When I was a kid my family had multiple meals a week at Costco :) there’s just something so fun about buying toilet paper in 10000 ct packs :) dessert last night was (vegan) chocolate mug cake :)


Does cookie dough count as dessert? Because I was making cookies last night, and of course a few spoonfuls directly into my mouth are inevitable ;-)


I use to be a vegetarian many years ago. I did it because I found that meat upset my stomach. I think I was a vegetarian for 2 years but I stopped in the end as I started to miss meat (especially lamb) and I was getting tired of eating the same foods. I’ve found now that if I avoid oily food my stomach is okay.

I had candy for dessert last night. And my run today was pretty short – just a mile. I’ve just got back from overseas and before that I was injured (IT band!), so I’m trying to change my running style and not rushing back into things to prevent injuries.


We are omnivores in our house, but we make a lot of yummy vegetarian meals too. Had ice cream for dessert last night. Perfect night cap!


I was vegan for about a year and a half before going vegetarian for another few years and then dropping the labels entirely. I’m not a huge fan of meat, and mostly only eat it because it makes me feel a lot better. That and I’m don’t really like labelling and restricting my diet. I just… eat :)


I was a vegetarian for 14 months a couple of years ago. Went back to eating meat and don’t regret it one bit. Love me some meat!


I got FROYO last night! so good.


Yay for vegans! I have been vegan for about a year and I have never felt better! No desert for me last night but that vegan carrot cake looks delicious!!! I’m trying to recover from a pulled muscle so no running for me this weekend. :( good luck on your run!!!


I just wanted to say that we have the same table and chairs, haha


I was craving chocolate like craaazy last night so I made a single serving chocolate cake – it was fantastic.


We went out with friends for ice cream last night. And I ran an easy 6 miles this morning:)


We shared a left over doughnut. I put mine in a bowl with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. I will be doing that again.


That carrot cake looks amazing!! I’m not vegan, but lots of times I eat vegan or vegetarian just by accident. Have a great run!


I was vegetarian for about a year. I’m slowly going back towards more veggie meals again and loving it. Last night I had a mint chocolate chip Klondike bar. Best decision ever.


I’m a vegetarian and it just works well for me. Normally I’m vegan on weekdays until dinner, but I’m 5 months pregnant and eating a lot of yogurt and cheese these days. I now will eat fish a couple times a month – especially after long runs.


I just finished a 10-miler this morning on the Chicago lakefront. It was fantastic – a little faster than I originally intended but it felt great!

I had Milano cookie’s for dessert last night!


I was raised as a vegetarian & it’s been interesting to see how our culture embraces a plant based diet as a better way to live. My mother got a lot of questions & concern for raising children on a vegetarian diet in the 70’s. I think vegan is definitely the better option but could never give up eggs/cheese for very long!


I’m a pescetarian because I’m not a big fan of meat but LOVE fish. I could never give up on sushi. I felt better when I stopped eating meat while I was training but lately I’m wondering if it was a good idea or not. I mean, I felt better but that’s when I got seriously injured so who knows?

I LOVE vegan desserts primarily because most of them are made with coconut oil <3 I love the taste!


I have to know what the chicken in the wrap was.


I’ve to admit, I could never be a vegetarian, let alone a vegan! I truly respect other people’s choices but personally, I could never give up anything dairy and sushi! I tried some vegan options before (bologna, turkey…) and they all gave me stomach problems!

Today is rest day for me and Tomorrow some ladies from my team and I organized a cheering squad and we’ll be cheering in Central Park for our guys! Last week, we ran the Oakley Mini 10K, a women-only race, and the guys dressed up like women and did an Amazing job at cheering! Tomorrow is the guys’ turn to run! They’ll be running the Portugal Day Race (5 miles) and, although women can run it as well, it’s a sort of “father’s day race,” so it will be 90% men! Afterwards, I’ll do a post-cheering/pre-brunch 6 miles run with the ladies ;) Have a great weekend, I’m sure your run ended up being awesome!


I tried the vegan thing for a month. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, and I learned a lot about the way that food makes my body feel. I definitely eat more vegetarian and vegan meals now, but not all the time.


We group up being vegans or vegetarians sporadically (as my parents’ hippie tendencies waxed and waned!). I was fine being vegetarian, but when we were vegan I was sick ALL the time with infections that just wouldn’t go away. Finally our diet changed and so did my health!


I haven’t had a vegan meal, but when I get my haircut the stylist brags that the shampoo she uses is vegan and gluten free. So I guess my hair is “eating” healthier than I am on my hair cut days. :)


Everyone is on a vegan kick lately. I really need to try it. Ran in a fun run today and just long run on schedule for tomorrow.


I’m 5 years veggie now but my parents were veggie when I was little so we never had a lot of meat in the house. I love how much I think about what I’m eating now that I’m veggie… Really helps me eat healthy! Considering going back to meat once a week (low in iron – boo!) and eating all local instead.

No dessert last night but I’m heading to a wedding shower today so I’m going to have some awesome cake :)

Planning on a long run tomorrow but my boyfriends been away all week and just getting home tonight or tomorrow so I will do whatever workout he wants to spend time together :)


No dessert last night. I did have some honey mustard pretzels as a snack though. I’m running just 3 today and hopefully getting my 8 miler in tomorrow.


hehe I clap all through costco too. It’s just too great not to! ;) Haven’t tried fake chicken.. hmmmm. Not sure how I feel about it thaha



I ran half marathon #5 this morning. I really need to work on my brain training. I don’t do many hard runs, other than long distances. My mental toughness needs some work. I went to a wedding last night and had cake for dessert. We then went out for frozen custard afterwards since the cake wasn’t that good.


Not a vegetarian but there were a few years when I was a kid that I wouldn’t touch meat. Mostly because I was a strong-willed kid who had to prove something (don’t know what though). Due to diagnosis, I have to go gluten free which makes it hard to carbo-load before races. So I just eat a bunch of candy and call it good.

Dessert last night was cinnamon bears.

Which leads to today’s run….Drop 13 half marathon! PR’d even! Thus why I ate candy last night. Seemed to work, no?


I’m a vegan, and I am obsessed with Veggie Grills carrot cake. It’s the BEST carrot cake I have everrrr had!! I travel to Seattle JUST to eat there sometimes. It’s like an hour drive hahaa. I drool at Costco. With you two clapping and my drooling we would be quite the scene. No planned weekend run distance, just however far I feel like!


I had a chocolate chip muffin for dessert yesterday after lunch.


I’ve never tried anything vegan on purpose. If it was vegan and I ate it, I probably didn’t know it was vegan! ;) Not that I have anything against it- I’ve just never been introduced!


I’m semi-vegetarian in that I just don’t eat meat terribly often. I don’t think I could ever go vegan though!


Brooke’s fort is pretty awesome!

I haven’t had dessert since Tueday, but I’m having one tonight!

I ran six miles on the beach today. Running in the sand made it feel like twelve miles!


I had cake batter ice cream for dessert last night. And then I had a beer. Can I call that ‘dessert’ too? ;) Someone told me that Blue Moon helps with breast milk production, so I’ve been trying it out (I don’t pump for several hours later). Not sure if it actually works, but the beer certainly relaxes me before bed haha. ;)


I’ve been a vegetarian for a couple years…tried to go vegan but failed miserably after a week of no cream in my coffee and no cheese…being a vegetarian suits me just fine ;).

Man I haven’t ran all week!!! I’ve been crosstraining instead since its been more appealing than lacing up my runners for some reason.


My run today was a 10 miler this am then back out for 6 this afternoon. Trying to get a few doubles in for the three legs of my upcoming relay.
Vegan could it.
Btw-Brooke is jus plain too cute!


I’ve been vegan for over 4 years and vegetarian for almost 9! Veggie Grill definitely has some delicious items. My favorite is the B-Wing salad. It’s buffalo “chicken” strips on top of a salad with ranch dressing. SO GOOD! If you go back, you HAVE to try their Sweet Heart Fries! They’re sweet potato fries served with a chipolte ranch sauce. My sister and I some times go there just to get those.

I’m hoping to get in an easy 5k tomorrow. I had to take some time off, and am trying to get back into the swing of things!


I’m a vegetarian! My husband isn’t, but doesn’t complain about what I fix :) There are sooo many great veg friendly restaurants now, and that makes life a little easier!


I am a vegetarian and have been for 4 years :D I don’t plan on ever going back! I had a Frosty waffle cone for dessert yesterday, but I actually ate it before dinner.


Yowser, look at the heel strike in that image!!
Last night’s dessert was sticky date soufflé with butterscotch sauce and caramel swirl ice cream.


I am a flexitarian… google it!! The only meat I eat is turkey or chicken on a sandwich. Meat doesn’t really appeal to me!


My weekend runs were a five mile marathon pace run today and an eight mile long run tomorrow. And I had homemade ice cream today! Family tradition…and it was to celebrate my grandpa’s 99th birthday that is coming up!


I love fake chicken! Yum!


I was vegetarian for 9 years. All the soy I ate screwed my stomach up & I have some issues from it now. I had to start eating meat again & am much healthier now. Still have some longterm issues from the soy. If you are considering it, do your homework & be smart about it.


I’m a vegetarian and we are working towards being vegan! We have been vegetarian for 5years. I’m excited to train for my first half marathon with all whole foods!


I’ve been a vegetarian since 6th grade! I went vegan for a couple months as a challenge last year but am now not labeling or restricting anything
My first half was today!


I had carrot cake, Italian wedding, and chocolate cake (a sliver of each). I love dessert!!!!


I’m vegan for about half of the year total due to my religious faith. I’m eating grain/dairy/legume/sugar free now so I don’t know how it will work out next time a fast rolls around!


I am a vegetarian! I have been for over 2 years!! It is easy for me, because I really don’t like meat anyway. Desert tonight was sherbert ice cream, and that is only because I wanted something sweet, and there was nothing else in the house that looked good. Sad I know.
I ran today just 3 miles, and I am tempted to go on a late night run around my moms subdivision while I am here for the weekend. We’ll see though! I think the rain may keep me from running.


I DID have dessert last night actually, it was guava pie with apple crumble yoghurt… YUM! My run this weekend was 10.5km and totally loved it! Hope your speedy legs do well in your fast run :)


“when running your body feels 20 degrees warmer” Holy Tomato! No wonder I was dying on my run yesterday. It was 90 degrees and I was going suppper slow but my heart rate was just sky rocketed.
Thanks for the info!


You’ve got a vegan running friend in me :)


Veggie Grill is SOOOO good! I went to one in Seattle and was amazed by how delicious everything was, plus wasn’t that carrot cake great too? Mmmm. I wish we had some in DC.


I’m a vegetarian, but it’s only because I don’t like the taste of meat. I usually try meat every once in a while just to make sure I still don’t like it, though.

I made chocolate chip cookie bars last night. SOOOO good!!

I ran an 80s 5k on Saturday and then three easy miles with Bungee on Sunday.


Janae- i LOVE the “Running: Are you ready or not.”
I’m going to have to use that and post it on my blog… I’ll link back to you girl! Thanks for sharing that.


Meetings without food are the WORST!!


I’ve been vegan for just over 2 years and I’ve loved it! Changed my life!

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