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Why working out helps me personally to be a better mom.

For the first couple of months after I had Brooke I would often feel a little selfish for wanting to run and work out. I sometimes felt bad for leaving Billy and Brooke on a Saturday morning to go out for a long run.  I felt that maybe during Brooke’s nap time I should spend … Continue Reading

Running playlist and I now have to throw away a shirt.

Since today was a rest day from running (I did do my performance stretching DVD and some core work… who am I?) I decided to spend my running time this morning making a playlist with some of my favorite running songs. My running music is kind of a big deal to me and this is … Continue Reading

Running homework and fruit covered in sugar.

I really like fruit.   I really really like fruit when it is covered in sugar.  Yesterday when we met up with my sis-in-law and her new little baby my mom, sister and niece came with us too.  We went to the outlet mall and we bought two things…. food (of course) and baby clothes … Continue Reading