Marathon Training Thoughts

This was a very beautiful sight for me this morning:

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I went to work out at my new gym for the first time this morning. It is ginormous and there is an entire room full of cardio machines. Paradise.   Even though I complain about the stair climber a lot, I secretly love it because it is low impact and an incredible workout.  I am sweating within 20 seconds of being on that thing.  At my old gym there was one stair climber, ridiculous.  Now I will probably never have to wait for one because there 16 of them at my new gym.

I did 20 minutes on the stairs before going to a body pump class.  The last time I went to a pump class was when I was 8 months pregnant with Brooke.  It felt so good to be back and my goal (that I will probably forget about within a month) is to go to one pump class a week.  I will probably have to go at night because Billy isn’t normally home during the morning classes.  

Is it normal to have an obsession with always having way too many water bottles in your car at all times?  

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After the gym I came home and got us ready to go to San Francisco and most likely we will also be going to Sausalito.  I tried to get Billy to do my hair because my arms are already so sore from pump that they hurt to lift them up but he wouldn’t so for the 87th day in a row it is in a ponytail.

Can we just talk about how tall Brooke is getting.  Last time we went to the doctor they said she was in the 75th percentile for her height.  

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Let’s talk about marathon training.  

My first post-baby marathon is only Thirteen WEEKS AWAY!  I cannot believe it is that close.  I was originally planning on following the Hansons Marathon Method plan for my marathon but the plan is 18 weeks and I only have 13 weeks.  AKA I should have started the plan 5 weeks ago and when I do use their plan I want to follow it exactly.  

Sooooo instead I will be using that plan a little later on in the year for my 2nd marathon (I am really wanting to do CIM) and instead make up my own schedule for this one.  I have only ever used one marathon training plan and that was for my first marathon and made up my own plan for all of the others (including my personal record).  Who knows… maybe I will actually get an online coach for future marathons (okay, I REALLY want one) but for the Utah Valley Marathon I will be doing my own plan but using the speed workouts from the Hansons book.  Does that make sense?  

I am especially excited to try out their ladder workout:

400-800-1200-1600-1200-800-400 with 400 jog recoveries.  They also recommend 1-3 miles for the warm-up and cool-down.

One thing I love about this book is that they are so detailed about the workouts so you know exactly what paces you should hit according to your 10k and 5k goals.  

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See you in the morning.


Ever tried body pump?  

What is one of your non-running fitness related goals?

Have you ever made up your own training plan or do you always stick to a specific training plan from online/books/coaches?

Do you have a 5k or 10k goal in mind?

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The marathon is the only distance I use a plan for. I just wing it for the rest. You’re incredible to be getting such amazing times while making up your own plans! You’re a natural (plus lots of hard work!)


Brooke is the cutest!
Your car totally looks like mine, I have an insane amount of water bottles just lying in my car, I always insist I’ve lost them and buy new ones too. So I have about 8 that are just not being used. Oops.
The stair master is a killer machine, I am dripping sweat within 10 minutes (TMI?)
I’m glad you got to a body pump class! I still want to try one out, but sadly there’s no classes here.


I used to do body pump all the time when I was a member at a gym. It’s a nice change from running. Unfortunately I was just thinking this morning how it is highly unlikely I will ever break my pre baby 5k pr (1731) and I am ok with that. My fitness goals currently are to stretch and ice bath more haha! And luckily I still am good friends with my high school xc coach so he sends me stuff all the time :-)


I have never attended a Body Pump class but I’ve always wanted to go into one! I’m definitely intimidated because, well, my arms are sticks. I wish I knew enough workouts to create my own plan but I’m so dumb when it comes to 400s-800s, etc. I just run but that’s probably how I ended up injured :-P haha


you sound like me haha


LOL at the water bottles!

Can’t believe it’s only 10 weeks away now! I don’t do any type of scheduled training for races..looking forward to hearing about yours!


I almost always follow a plan for anything longer than a 10K! I’m training for a half marathon and working with a coach for the first time and it’s been great.
I ran a hilly 5K yesterday and PR’d by almost a minute and a half!!! No new 5K goals for now, that will keep me happy for a while!


I am terrible about following plans. I just follow a bunch of plans with regard to mileage goals. Sometimes a bit with pace, but mostly mileage. This is probably why I can’t get more than a 5 minute marathon PR :)


I am thinking of doing CIM as my first marathon. Several friends of mine have already registered and one’s being dangling the carrot of being a marathoner in front of me. I will commit or not by the end of the week.

Brooke is growing so fast! She’s going to be running beside you so soon :)

I have at least 3 bottles of liquid hydration within arms reach of me at all times.


Oooo… I’m seriously considering doing CIM this year! I’ve done it 2x and love it. I have a friend that lives in Sac now so I’m really wanting to do it again.

My next race is in 13 days!!! A marathon!! WooT!


What is a training plan?! I have never used one for any races (triathlon included) except for my marathon. I really should though. You know, so I could maybe actually get faster or do well.

I would love to break my 5k and 10k PR. Hence the need to actually plan.

I could not be more jealous of all that once again ALL of the machines were full today at the gym. It is so annoying. We only have 2 step mills and that is where I spent most of my time today. Body pump tomorrow!

You look gorgeous, as always. Have fun today and give Brooke a hug for me :)


I have been DYING to try body pump! I am actually running a 5K (well, 3.25 miles) trail run on Saturday but that’s just for fun! I would like to PR a 5K, my current time is 24:41, so I’ve got to beat that!


I made up my own training plan for the marathon I am currently training for. This is my first marathon so it may not be the best idea but we will see. I want to read more about the Hanson training plan.


I’d like to run a sub 20 minute 5k but don’t have any planned right now


I have never tried body pump. Sounds like a great class! I think I would be sore just from lifting an empty bar…

One of me non-running fitness related goals is to attend more fitness classes. This needs to happen!!


I LOVE the hansons book! I am following an inventive version of their plan – since I am running with a group this time around (marathon #6) I’m hoping to Boston Qualify and am feeling much stronger than any other training cycle I have done before.


I am dying to try body pump, my gym doesnt offer it but I am thinking of trying to get certified so that I can teach it and do it all the time!! I lovee the stair master, seriously you sweat within 2 secs of hoping on!


I’ve been trying out yoga lately and would like to make doing it more consistently a goal!! … And to do more abs because I probably only do about 10 sit-ups a month.


Body Pump is my FAVORITE cross training as well. My goal is one day a week hitting up a bp class and I’ve stuck to it.

I share your love. :)


Non-running related goals is to be able to bust out a bunch of pull-ups! I can only do chin-ups here a there (a couple at a time).
I love body pump, but I haven’t been to a class in ages!


I’ve never tried body pump… I’m scared of it. Love the polka dot top! Have a great time in SF!


This is the first time I’ve actually followed a training plan, so we’ll see if it works out better from when I just make it up as I go along.


I am doing a 10k next month. My first 10k and my second official race ever. I will probably follow the Hal Higdon basic mileage plan. I don’t have a goal for time, I just plan to finish. :)


I get so darn sore every time I try body pump. That probably means I should quit my slacking and go more often.


I want to try body pump!! I’m super excited about your marathon. I haven’t even done one yet and you’re doing one post pregnancy! Impressive. Also Brooke is getting so old looking! She’s going to be a laker ;)


I’m training for the Utah Valley Marathon too….it’s 13 weeks from Saturday, not 10.


Really?!? Awesome!


I love Bodypump!! And I always have 3872368 water bottles in my car too.. so funnny!


A marathon is intimidating enough for me to use a training plan for it- such a delicate balance of getting so many miles in, while avoiding injury. I am currently using Hal Higdon’s plan for my second marathon. I hope it’s great!

You are amazing and will rock the race!! :)


My car is filled with water bottles. It’s insane. I have never been to a body pump but I’m signed up for one next week and already sore thinking about it.


My car looks like that too, just replace the water bottles with coffee mugs! My 5k goal is to finally break 30 minutes, I’m so close!


I am hoping to get my 5k time down this year and I love how specific that chart is for speed workouts! I will have to get that book! My nonrunning fitness goal is to focus more on crosstraining (2ish days a week) and to do ab work consistently!


Hey Janae! I love that you are so organized with your marathon training. I am 6 weeks out from Boston, and I’m getting there with training but not where I’d exactly like to be (in large part because of nasty shin splints we chatted about before). I would love to get some blog advice from you–how did you start off? Did you reach out to all the awesome companies who do give aways or did they contact you? I am just starting off and working on building readership…but it’s always nice to think ahead :)

Happy Monday! Lauren


I ALWAYS say that I’m going to do more yoga, core, weights, etc. I have a stress fracture so right now I actually am. lol. I’m going to try and be diligent when I get back to running!


Last September I ran the Big Cottonwood Marathon. It was its first year running and it’s a BQ and is now the fastest marathon in Utah! It was GORGEOUS! It was the first marathon I ever ran (7 months post preg) and made up my own plan. It went pretty well, as I was only five min shy of qualifying for Boston. ARRRGGGHHH!!! Next time! I’ve read Hal Higdon’s latest book and my training was somewhat similar to his novice plan give or take a few miles. The next marathon I do, I’d like to try his intermediate plan and increase my miles. If you are in Utah in September, I highly suggest doing this marathon. The leaves were brilliant colors and nothing beats the view of running straight down Big Cottonwood canyon!!


oh you are going to do awesome on your first post-baby marathon!!!I love a plan,too,i am currently trying to follow a half-ironman plan for an early May race.ouch.
Hope you have an awesome day in SF and Sausalito-I live in Mill Valley so real close-gorgeous day!!!


I’ve always wanted to try body pump but my teeny tiny hometown gym only offers it 2x a week at 10am. I really want to try and work on strength training more often (a new year’s resolution that I’ve made about 0 progress towards) but its usually just too convenient to write off.

I usually roll my own training plans but I should really reconsider given I have 1 weak marathon PR and 1 DNF in my repertoire. It seems to work for you though! Can’t wait to see you rock Utah Valley!


YAY for a marathon! You’ll rock it of course! I don’t really follow training plans…I totally improvicse & I’ve never gotten injured nor have I majorly sucked or died at races. So it works for me. Hah :)

I LOVE BP–of course. I teach it plenty of times per week. ;) I am totally sore from this morning’s class–I really pushed them today & of course me along with it. Tough stuff, but SO good for us!

Brooke is adorbs.


I have always wanted to get into yoga but was always too nervous to go to classes. My goal for the year has been to go to at least 1 yoga class a month so it becomes more of a routine!


Ahhhh Brooke is so big!!!

I simply adore the stair climber! Aside from the treadmill, it is the one and only cardio machine I actually like!


Lately I have been using my own method for training. Just kind of going off of what I know from high school. I do still keep in touch with my coach from high school and she gives me some advice! Thank goodness =) I’m not a super speedy runner, but I”m hoping to run a 5k under 24 sometime this year. I’ve worked super hard and think with the right training I can do it! I’ll be doing a 10k in May, so we will see how my training goes for that!


I’m using a Nike training program for my first half (it’s a Nike race) but otherwise I’ve always used and loved Hal Higdon!


I love San Francisco!! SO fun! One of my non related running fitness goals is to get better at swimming. I have never been good at that at all! So hopefully throughout 2013 I can get better!


Loooove Body Pump! :) Hilariously, I make up plans for OTHER people, but myself, usually stick to a written plan pretty precisely. Irony! :)


Love love love BodyPump! It’s the only class I stick to religiously at the gym. I need to strength train and I know if I leave it up to myself to do independently it’s not gonna happen! Haha. But I love the class – 1 hour and you hit every major muscle group. What more can you ask for!?


I have water bottles all over the house, in the car.. every where! I use a sharpie and mark every one with an “L” so no one else drinks from it! ha!

I was just thinking of marathon training today..while I was out cross country skiing. What’s this Hanson book? Can you post or take a pix of the book for us (me) that is clueless. I am not sure how to train other then to practice eating and drinking plus actually running 26 miles.. long runs. It scares me.. Any tips for someone who has never done it and is very afraid??


I’ve always made up my own race training. I’m sure it would be better if I used a set one, but I’ve survived so far! I could never train for one on a treadmill like you did though. Crazy crazy crazy.


Highly recommend CIM!!

If you’re ever looking for a reputable online type coaching situation, I’ve been loving runcoach, which is run by Tom McGlynn. They have a few different levels but the basic one is ~$20 / month (with discounts for committing to multiple months).

I swear I am running a sub-44 10K this year!!


I’m pretty much a Nazi when it comes to following training plans. For my four fulls that I’ve ran I’ve used a different one every time. I’m with you on my next full….can’t wait to try Hanson’s.
I run so few 5 and 10k’s that I really don’t have any goals. I will be running my third 5K in a week and my second 10K in May. (Been running for 6 years, just prefer halfs or fulls.
Never been to a Body Pump class but I must start doing something more than just running.
Non-fitness related goal is to get more organized and quit procrastinating!!!!


Brooke looks like such a big girl in that photo!


Best of Luck with the training.

I’ve never been a competitive runner (I leave that to the hub), and generally set my goals as: enjoy each moment, breathe well, and often something related to form as I stick to trail running. Time is based on total time on the trails, although on the rare occasion I’ll toss in a “hey, it’d be great to run x time on this section” goal.

More than anything it’s about running healthy, enjoying, and listening to my body (pushing or relaxing depending on what’s best).


I’m obsessed with body pump. It has honestly changed my body! LOVE


If you’re not going to hire a coach, then I always feel like mixing and matching is the best way to go. You know what you can do and what works for you.

And, you should do CIM. It sounds fun and also I am thinking of doing it :)


I used to coach for team in training and so I followed their programs for many events. I then strayed from it and found that I liked what worked for my schedule and my mood! I still do follow parts of it but a lot less stress to do my own thing. I do need to incorporate some speed work however since I am getting back into the swing of things I just want to finish my upcoming 1/2 and not stress about speed!!


Sausalito! You are sooooooo close. I am really and truly in love with your JOY. You always look so positively joyous. Always. I know life isn’t all sunshine and roses, but I do so admire and LOVE how you project such joy. Definitely do CIM. I will come and watch. I’m an excellent spectator ;-)


I always follow a plan, either given to me by the running group I was in or off of runners world. I don’t run as often lately because I’m in the middle of Insanity. Next I want to do P90x! I do love a plan :) I don’t have to think about it and I am more successful with my goals. Then there’s no excuse and its only eating to blame.


I love Body Pump, I try to go 1 – 2 times per week. The best is when you get into a real zone with the song that is on, I usually get that way with the bicep track when they play Pink or old-school Bon Jovi. When I zone out and forget about what I’m doing the workout flies by.

I have a 5k fun race this weekend, it is the Slainte’s 5k St. Patrick’s Day Run in Hamilton, ON and they give you a green beer at the end. How fun is that?!


I registered for CIM as soon as it opened! I vote you run it too! :)


I’ve always made my own training plans. I read a LOT of books on training and I’ve done all the in class clinics for my level 1 and 2 coaching certification (now I just have to do the practical exams!!) Beside, I like making my training plan so that I can work around my crazy busy work schedule and volunteering! It works for me :)


I just have to say…. I LOVE the color of nude-ish lipstick and whatever makeup you are wearing in the photo of you with Brooke…you look so pretty.

I’ve never tried body pump.
Non-running goal – I’m trying to work on abs more. I’ve been using Jillian Michaels abs video.
The closest I’ve come to following a set program was trying to do Body for Life a long time ago, but otherwise I just make up my own schedules. I would LOVE to have a personal trainer! But thats way out of my budget at the moment.


I always end up tweaking any plan to meet my own needs. Mostly because my schedule is so weird that I have to plan for possible unplanned days off (up all night flying + running = no bueno) and extra days to run. So far I’ve only ran a half marathon but its worked pretty well. I look forward to training for another race! I take body pump occasionally and it does kick my butt!


I just did my first 5K, so my goal is to do it in 27 minutes. I do my own training routine, but I think it’s a great idea to follow a method. Maybe I’ll find one that works good for 5K’s. Also Brooke is getting huge, can you believe how time flies. Good luck with your training, i know you’ll rock is.


Love bodypump! I have a running friend that coaches me and he writes my plan but I often add in some of my extras… you see, I have a bit of a love for classes and with all this running, he thinks I’m going to burn both ends because of it :)


Hahaha!! Love the car picture – I’m the girl who ALWAYS has a waterbottle with her; it looks pretty funny at work when I stick a water bottle in one pocket and my thermos of coffee in another.

While I love the atmosphere of bodypump classes, basically anything requiring me to use my upper body makes me cringe.

For my marathon, I kind of made up my own training plan. I planned out my long runs, and just did the midweek runs as I had time. It was hard, because I was really swayed by the opinion of everyone around me of how I should run. However, I ended up reaching my goal – to finish – and felt great throughout!


you best come to my pump class when you come home again. freals.
Its the funnest and best pump class you have ever attended.
I’m sure of it.

marathon training?
about that…..;)


I am seriously regretting signing up for a marathon. I’m terrified actually. What have I done and why have I done it?


I teach body pump at my college :)


Yes Bodypump!!! So proud of you. What gym are you going to and did you start teaching pump?

p.s. lets go to pump together!!


so much good stuff in this post:) yay for tall little brooke. i am tall and was just saying to my husband today how much i LOVE having long legs. they don’t make me faster though, they just look nice (in my opinion).

i have never used a training plan for races. but am thinking it may be fun. i always run how i feel. some days it’s fast(er) some days slow(er). i have always paid more attention to mileage. but recently decided to work at speed. it’s been a lot of fun. i’m still going how i feel but have seen improvements in the last 4 weeks or so.

i’m doing a 1/2 in minneapolis in april. first race of the year. i would do more but have a poor law school husband and cannot affort to:(


I love BodyPump, going to that class is the only way I get a good proper weights session in, and feel the all over burn. I am currently debating about whether to sign up for a marathon this sept or oct, I haven’t trained over a summer so I am worried!


Great post Janae!
I would love to run a marathon one day, so will definitely keep this training regime in mind!


I love bodypump so much I became an instructor :) great workout and a fun time!


As always, Brookie is adorbs.

I look forward to hearing about all your marathon training! I’m just “training” for a half right now and always dream about doing a full.

But my non-running fitness related goal it to drink more water and lift more weights. So far that’s, uh, not going so well.


Last year I made up my own training plan for my first half and it worked pretty well. This year, I am following a plan created by the president of my running group, and I like it so far. I considered following the Hal Higdon Novice 1 for my marathon this fall but it would leave me without any running buddies so I most likely won’t!


LOVE that ladder workout and will have to incorporate that into some of my speed training this go-around :)

CIM is a dream race. I am so jealous you live in CA. I want to get out of WI asap.


I used Hal Higdon’s Novice 2 Half Marathon plan to train for my first half last Fall. It worked well, though I skimped on the strength and cross training. I’m thinking I’ll use a blend of that plan and mix in a couple of other strategies from others for the next one.

I’m doing better with incorporating strength training, so yay for me! Still have to work on the more water thing.


I’m a little obsessed with Body Pump! I do it at least twice a week…sometimes three times if I’m still not too sore from the last class! I really feel like the strength training helps my running a lot too :)


I loved this post! I am running the Utah Valley Marathon in June too, and I’ve been wondering what plan you were following. I always use Hal Higdon’s plans for half marathons and marathons. I am following his intermediate marathon plan this time around but it’s driving me crazy not to have any speed work. He says speed work is best when you’re not building milage for a marathon. I am really hoping for a BQ and need to take at least 5 min off my first marathond time. Any advice?? The ladder workout you posted looks awesome.. really hard but awesome. I am going to have to try it.


I just had a PR this past weekend at a 5K, 23:45 minutes-7:39 pace! I know that’s a slug compared to your speedy self, but it was a 1:15 minute PR so I was quite happy with it!!!

I did A LOT of speed work on the treadmill over the winter months and I have to say that it has definitely helped me! I ran 2 mile in 14:30 min the other day on the treadmill and that was the fastest I’ve ever done that!

Do you ever run 5Ks? I feel like you would absolutely crush them since you can go sub 7 min pace on marathons and all :)


I haven’t ever used the Stair Master. I need to add that!

I usually use my own plans with lots of tips included from articles I’ve read.

I’m not a marathoner (not even a half), but I love to run and race. I typically run 5 days a week and race mostly 5Ks and some 10Ks. My goal is to break 21 in a 5K race this year. I do it on my runs all the time, but in a race, I’m always 10 seconds over. Weird!

I’ve seriously thought about running a half (the most I’ve done is 8 miles in 60 minutes flat), but I just don’t like the thought of actually having to train. I absolutely adore running and my longer runs (7-8 milers) I plan to do for the most part, but I love just getting out and running. Having a strict plan to follow makes me not want to actually train for a half or full. Is that crazy?


I’m currently planning out training for the Chicago Rock N Roll half marathon in July and the Chicago marathon in October. I think I am going to use Hal’s but adjust it some to fit my schedule. I am currently using his intermediate plan for the Nashville Rock N Roll half marathon in April and have been loving it! I did just order Hanson’s Marathon Method after reading your post so I may incorporate that plan for my marathon.


I want to do more cross-training or more strength training workouts this week/month/lifetime. I also want to get back on the train of eating well again. I’ve been slacking for like months and it’s finally catching up to me because I’m feeling like poop and have gained 3-5 pounds (I know that doesn’t seem like a lot, but I don’t feel like myself) I used the Hal Higdon’s Novice 2 training plan for my half marathon; I didn’t follow it exactly, but it worked for me, because I survived!!


I love these ladder workouts! I’ve been seeing them everywhere and am excited to try a modified beginners ladder soon! Thanks for the post!


Loving all the water bottles in the car! I never stuck to a training plan for a race but really think that I should this year.


I went to body pump yesterday (after reading you talk about it on your blogs) I loved it. I will say that I am SORE today but it feels good! I have been looking for a way to add in some strength training with my runs and this might be a good idea.


I am doing Hansons plan for Boston and also had to start a bit later because I ran Houston Marathon in January. I am not used to running that much! But I must say I’m loving it, I have never felt so strong. :) Usually I just make up my plan using different elements from ones I’ve tried…

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