The best way to end the day.

I needed cereal in a very serious way yesterday afternoon.   I eat most of my meals sitting on the kitchen floor now so that Brooke doesn’t feel left out.   

Brooke was entertained with the box of Life for 20 minutes.  That is 19 whole minutes longer than any of her toys entertain her.

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Did you know that it is scientifically impossible to get full off of cereal no matter how many bowls you eat.

We have saved roughly $200 a month by not living near a Cafe Rio anymore (I am exaggerating but we did used to eat there a lot!!!).  Last night we got to enjoy another night of the homemade Cafe Rio salads from my surprise bday party.  The DRESSING was even homemade and it tasted just like the real thing.  

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Who gets chocolate tortilla chips?  Seriously.  

They were actually really good and went perfectly with the salad:)

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Late night Compex to help recover from my speed work.  

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After Brooker fell asleep I spent time with my other 3 best friends:  Billy, chocolate and House Hunters.

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What restaurant steals all of your money?

-It was Cafe Rio in Utah and Chipotle has taken quite a bit of our money over the last few months that we have lived here.

Favorite way to unwind at the end of the day?

-Refer to the last picture in this post.

How many bowls of cereal does it take you to get full?  Last type of cereal that you had?

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I never ever ever ever get full from cereal. That’s why I’ll eat a box and blink and it’s gone. Usually they only last a couple of days. It’s a bad problem. But I bet cereal on top of that ice cream and brownie creation would be pretty tasty…


I feel full after the first bowl… but I can’t stop because it tastes so good!


Chick fil a steals most of my money. I buy their spicy chicken sandwiches and lemonade by the gallon! I’m pretty sure they add crack in it. Favorite way to unwind looks exactly like yours. Husband, couch, and dessert in any order. Have a great birthday eve :-)


Oh I love Chickfila. I work in a hospital and we have one in the hospital, I eat there at least once a week but I am the freaky person that really likes their carrot raisin salad and sweet tea.


There is a restaurant near my house called Tap House Grill. It’s hubby’s favorite and gets all of our dinner money. Panera gets all of my lunch money when I am at work.


I agree, it is impossible to get full from cereal. I love to eat it for breakfast, lunch or dinner because it is so yummy, but I have to have a second meal approximately 20 minutes later.


We generally switch up our restaurants for meals but yogurt mountain has def been robbing me lately! My favorite way to unwind is very similar to yours :) and the last cereal I are was honey nut Cheerios. So sweet and yummy!


I love cereal so much! When we were trapped from the snow this weekend, I ate so much!


If Whole Foods counts as a “restaurant” then I would say it definitely is a money suck for me! The food there is so fancy it’s basically restaurant-quality in my opinion. Have you tried the Apple Cinnamon Life Crunchtime? It is the bomb.


Panera steals all of my money. I could eat there 3 meals a day – bagels in the morning, soup for lunch, salad for dinner. I’d be so happy & so fat :)


All Mexican food restaurants still my money! I can’t get full on cereal either, so I tend not to buy it, BUT I went to Trader Joe’s the other day (rarely go) and half the stuff in my cart was stuff you’ve talked about-including their FMW. Yummy! Brooke is such a happy baby, she is always smiling!!


I AGREE – there is no cereal fillin enough!
I am in love with Krave Double chocolate cereal..there is no need for this “milk” thing – just eat it out of the box!


I’m never full from cereal. I usually eat two bowls. But I dump out the old milk before I put new milk in b/c I like it to be freezing cold =) HA. Last cereal was “Ohs”! Not the healthiest choice, but they are so yummy!!

There’s this amazing sushi place by our home that we have been ordering from a lot lately – it’s a really nice restaurant and so it’s always super expensive :/ UGH!

Paul and I usually split a bowl of ice cream and watch one of our shows (Top Chef, Greys, Nashville, Big Bang…)


I didn’t even know that chocolate tortilla chips existed. Now I’m going to be on the lookout wherever I go. I am also a big fan of Chipotle. I think it’s relatively healthy with all of the veggies, as long as they don’t get too crazy with the sour cream and cheese. My favorite way to unwind at the end of the day is playing with my dogs.


It probably takes me 47 bowls of cereal to get full…then I eat two more :)
Before I started trying to lose weight, Noodles and Co. got all our money – so good. Now, Id have to say a lot is spent on fro-yo!


They need to start making baby toys that are the exact replica of things babies aren’t supposed to play with so that my daughter can be entertained by SOMETHING safe for over 30 seconds, haha.


I think I’ve eaten so much Yogurty’s that I could have bought a franchise by now. Even in the winter…I can’t help it.
My favourite way to unwind at the end of the day is on the couch with my puppy & my boyfriend, also watching house hunters :)


Since we moved to the wilderness we don’t eat out much but our favorite pizza place in Boston knew us by our phone number! :)

Cereal I last ate was Apple Cinnamon Chex mixed with TJ’s orange craisins.


I eat a LOT of sushi (I try really hard to stay away). I’m also a regular at a local Portuguese restaurant that makes the BEST chicken and steaks. My favorite way to unwind at the end of the day is reading on my kindle. Currently I’m reading J.K.Rowling’s new book – The Casual Vacancy! I always eat at least 2 bowls of cereal. It’s addicting.


Kids always like the boxes more than the toys!
Zoyo or Panda Express. Starbucks.
Unwinding usually includes watching something on the DVR and dinner.
I don’t eat a lot of cereal but it would Cocoa Puffs or Super Golden Crisp.

The Kidless Kronicles


Starbucks steals most of my money! Then Subway, and Mucho Burrito.
Watching TV on the couch with my husband.
I am not a cereal fan!


We have a local mexican restaurant, Caliente, that is VERY close to home & we LOVE it!! I’m with you on cereal. I’ve never figured out how to get full on it. I do love multi grain cheerios though!


Chipotle for me, too! Followed by Starbucks.

I don’t eat cereal with milk. I like it plain/ dry. Just finished off a box of Peanut Butter Puffins!


I can’t even remember the last time I had cereal! I would say our local Chinese restaurant gets most of our money. It’s our favorite weekend treat!


Ohmygoodness Brooke is just too adorable in all your pictures!! Lately, Dairy Queen has been taking all my money, blizzards are the best! In fact, I enjoyed one last night, while curling up on the couch with my hubby. Cereal this morning was Kellogg’s Berry Yogurt Crunch :)


I don’t eat cereal a lot but when I do I totally binge on it. I just had a raisin bran/corn pops combo. Yum! I really want to go get some more.


Totally agree – you never get full from cereal, but it tastes so good! Caribou coffee steals all my money – their lattes are just so yummy! And my favorite way to end the night is reading a good book in bed, after the baby is asleep.


Haha cereal never gets me full! I have to just acknowledge I’m eating it because I like it and then go eat something else :)


That’s definitely my favorite way to unwind too. I can’t get full off cereal either. Oh well.


You know who Brooke looks just like? Curly!


Since we moved to Utah, Panera and Uno’s are no longer part of our monthly budget. Trader Joe’s was just recently re-added to the budget, as thankfully one opened on SLC.


Ice cream, right now vanilla with butterscotch topping are my favorite go to …
Plus it goes best with Real House Wives…

I don’t eat cereal.. I’m not a milk liker.. so if I do eat any.. it’s dry and more of a snack.


Cafe Rio is our big money stealer for sure. If we ever move out of Utah, I’m going to be heartbroken without it in my life.
I agree, cereal takes forever to fill me up. I usually just have it for snacks or “dessert” rather than breakfast for that very reason. Loooove LIFE cereal! I need to go buy some now.


Panera and Starbucks. They were both by the school I just graduated from, and on my breaks coffee was always a must! My favorite way to unwind is either watching TV, or reading a good book! Probably at least two bowls, and Kashi heart to heart, basically expensive cheerios!


First and formesot – we had ‘cowboy quesadillas’ last week and loooved them. So delicious. Thanks for the idea – they will be on the menu again for sure!

My last cereal was 2 bowls of honey nut chex (it takes a minimum of 2 to even curb my hunger) about 3 weeks ago when I had the stomach flu and nothing byt bland food sounded good to me.

We don’t really go to the same restaurants a lot – or even out to eat a lot. Unless you count fro yo – then U Swirl EASILY takes all of our money! And that is how I like to unwind….eating some fro yo (or any treat will do, really) while watching mindless tv like The Bachelor, after tehe kids haave gone to bed. Speaking of, I haven’t watched last nights ep and I need to get on that one today. Priorities, you know? ;)


This post just gave me the worst Cafe Rio craving, GAH! Is 9:40am too early to be dreaming about a sweet pork salad? I submit that it is not.


That salad looks awesome!! I want it :)


Chocolate tortilla chips?!?! very interesting!


I LOVE cereal. It is terrible! My current cereal of choice is honey nut cheerios. I also love oatmeal squares just to snack on and life! I go in spurts with cereal but I LOVE it! We actually do pretty good and try to stay away from restaurants. We decided we could spend all the money we save on running races or shoes :)!
I love a good chocolate shake at the end of the day :)…I put protein powder in it and pretend it is healthy :)!


TV and snugglin’ with my hubbs!
Have you tried the new Dark Chocolate and Strawberry Special K? OMG delicious. But youre right, definitely never fills you up!


SO CUTE with her box of Life cereal!
Last cereal I had was actually granola (I don’t know if it counts as cereal?). And I love to unwind by watching something on Netflix until it makes me sleepy and then going to bed.


Honey Bunches of Oats as pre-run fuel this morning. Mmmm….

At present, ice cream is stealing all my money! There’s a tasty shop called UDDERS out here, and their ice cream (like all ice cream in Singapore) is pricey, but GOOD. So good!!!!

I unwind at the end of the day by going to sleep. Seriously. I love living life, but I always REALLY love sleeping. Zzzzzzzzzzz……….


Panera bread around here is the one that steals all my dough (ha – I’m totally funny).

My favorite way to unwind the day is eat garbage and watch TV. But I’m trying to get out of that habit and go to bed earlier so I’ve been reading instead of late.

Tons of cerial bowls to get full. By the way, I just tried Kashi’s Cinnamon Harvest cereal for the first tie and it was super deluxe. You should try it. If you love Cinnamon Life and FMW you will love this.


I’m with you on the cinnamon life. That stuff is magical.


I am not a big cereal eater but my husband is so we have plenty at home at all times. My good old standby is Honey Nut Cheerios! Chipotle is popping up everywhere (3 built within 15 minutes of me between this year and last year) and I have yet to visit and try it out. We don’t go out to eat much… but its on my list!


When we lived in Abu Dhabi, there was only one Mexican place— but is was soooo good. El Camino– I drool!! Now, here in England, so far we’ve struck out with restaurants. So we are saving money– but I have to cook every night


Jason’s Deli is my out-to-eat mecca!

It’s pretty much the only place we go. And I always get the same thing. The delicious salad bar and a bowl of veggie soup! I have tried to recreate the soup at home and cannot get it quiet right! I have also looked online to find a recipe but no luck :-(


That salad looks amazing!! Do you have a link for the recipe for the pork and the things you put in it to make it so great?


I love laughing planet
There are a couple locations in Oregon and they are awesome. Janae, if you are ever in the area, I think you would fall in love with the food there. :)


If I eat cereal I have to throw some chia seeds and/or fruit in with it or I’ll never get full either!


Starbucks steals all my money! And I could eat boxes of cereal before feeling full, it’s so good and since I usually eat Chex (gluten free) it’s light and airy!


I get full after a big bowl–but I don’t usually have it for b-fast b/c it doesn’t make me stay satisfied for long!!

I love unwinding with chocolate, a book, and my husband. Not necessarily in that order ;)


I love those chocolate chips…especially love dipping them in peanut butter right out of the jar! ;-)

I agree about cereal, I could polish off a whole box and still be hungry! Unfair!


Have you seen the pin on pinterest for Cafe Rio chicken? I’ve never eaten at a Cafe Rio b/c I live in TN, but it looked like it would be good!


Hilarious that you said that about cereal! It’s like the biggest unspoken food truth! That’s how I survived in my college cafeteria!

Brooke’s expressions kill me, she looks so much like billy! But that just means her personality is going to be 100% you.


Yum! Love those chips- the sweet potato ones are my favorite!


Have you seen this app??
It skims your itunes library and plays music to the beat/pace you want to run at


It definitely takes 2 huge bowls of cereal to fill me up. And even then I am hungry again in about an hour. Lately my favorite cereal has been either the Quaker Oats Oatmeal Squares or Special K Cinnamon Pecan.

The restaurant that steals most of our money is the local dive Mexican takeout place. We haven’t gotten in for a while, but there was a time where we would have it at least once a week. They have the most delicious tacos and burritos. Yummm

My favorite way to unwind at night is to curl up on the couch and watch a LOST marathon with my fiance. :)


Cozying up on the couch with the hubs and the dog, some dark chocolate and sleepy time tea and watching house hunters is my all time fave wind down exercise. At any time of day really!


In order for a bowl of cereal to fill me up I have to add things like flax seed, fruit, and nut butter. I try to wait a little while before moving on to that 2nd bowl but I’m not always successful:-)

I don’t think any restaurant gets too much of my money. I really rarely go out to eat, not even to “quicker” restaurants like Chipotle…..I definitely spend too much $$ on nut butters though. haha.


I NEVER get full from I eat it as a snack now..with my a barbarian. I don’t really ever have money, so no restaurants really steal my money, but sometimes I get a late night slice of pizza, so I guess that’s where my money goes :'( It’s only like $2 though and once a week, so I guess that’s a testament to how poor I am. I unwind by playing on the computer, watching TV, and eating my weight in ice cream. That’s probably why my weight fluctuates 3 pounds every week…


Mmmm…life…I haven’t had that cereal in such a long time, but it sounds so good!

I’ve found that Little Caesar’s steals all my money. It’s on my way home from work and way too tempting to stop and pick up after a long day. Plus, I can’t beat the price and it’s yummy!

I’m lazy and spend most of my evenings with my butt on the couch. We DVR a bunch of shows that are on after we go to bed, so we catch up on them the next day.

Cereal doesn’t really fill me up either. I am usually hungry about an hour after I finish a heaping bowl. The last cereal I had was Lucky Charms…I stole it from Mike’s stash :)


Restaurant: Lately, it’s been a place called “Good Stuff” in the beach cities of LA. I go there too often for scrambled eggs and toast.

Watching Top Chef or Biggest Loser, wrapped up in a blanket. Preferably with ice cream.

I, shamefully(??) went through half a FAMILY SIZED box of Lucky Charms cereal last week in a single sitting. I was eating my feelings. ;)


Trader joes raisin bran and trader joes frosted mini wheats r awesome!!!! My sister and I can go thru a box of cereal in two days!!


All I have to say is that your daughter is adorable!!!


Sushi restaurants used to get all my money! We haven’t been eating out much lately, so we have been able to save some money.

I love to unwind with something sweet (like chocolate), a glass of wine or a beer, and hanging out with Daniel. Reading is also a great way for me to relax, but I usually end up wrapped up in the story and read all night long which makes it less relaxing. :)


Whole Foods eats my salary!


Subway takes a lot of my paycheck because it’s so quick and convenient.. and relatively healthy (I say that loosely!)

I cannot get over how gorgeous you and Brooke are.


I’m all about the cinnamon chex mix lately, so good! I usually eat it as a late night snack haha at least its better than the reeses i want to be eating=)


I’m finishing my second bowl of cereal as I read this! Funny! I mixed honey bunch of oats with cascading farms’ dark chocolate granola. Yermmy.


Restaurant: Pancheros, definitely. Burrito bowls, yum!
Unwind: An episode of Dr. Who or reading in bed
Cereal: Only eat homemade oatmeal. One bowl with blueberries, raisins, and maple syrup gets me to mid-morning.


When you said eating on the kitchen floor, it totally brought me back ( a year) to when I did that with my little girl!! And yes, anything that’s NOT a toy is he best thing ever! :)
I’m addicted to plain Cheerios with honey swirled on top, and trader joes brown sugar FMW’s. cant get enough!


Taco Bell has to the restaurant/fast food we hit up the most! My middle son eats like a bird most of the time but sometimes will ask for a 3rd taco! So we get it about once a week if not more sometimes. (So bad)

I love a couple of Ghirradeli (sp) squares at the end of the day once in a while!


Ice cream is a good way to unwind. Bought some almond Magnums this evening hehe


You totally need to send that pic of brooke and the cereal to Life!! it’s so cute!!


Lately I have been eating cereal like crazy! I seem to have forgotten how good it tastes! I eat until the milk is all gone =)


It seems like Chipotle seems all my money! I can’t get enough of their salads. It also doesn’t help that there is one on my way home from work!


I agree….IMPOSSIBLE to get full off cereal. PB Puffins from Trader J’s was the last cereal inhaled. Also, I never eat cereal with milk…..always just dry.


I love Chipotle!! i can’t get enough of their guacamole…i try making it myself but its still not the same. Also i try varying up my cereal from trader joes but i wish they brought back the Cinamon Toast Crunch French Toast! those were sooo yummy! hate it when they discontinue my fav foods =(


I don’t eat cereal for this very reason. Whenever we have cereal in the house it goes bad before we eat it.


I totally agree, I could probably eat like 3 bowls of cereal and still want something else haha!


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