A pajama party occurred last night.  If you weren’t in pajamas, you weren’t allowed to come.  Brooke was not forced to follow this rule because I loved her dress so much and wanted her to stay in it all day long.

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She wanted to wave hello.

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Bangs and I decided that since we won’t be with our moms for our birthdays this year that we would make what our moms would make us for each other.  Did that make sense?

She will make me my mom’s heavenly lasagna next week and I made her mom’s ham and cheese pie.  It was DELICIOUS.

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1 pkg frozen mixed vegetables

Chopped onion
Chopped green pepper
1 can cream of potato soup
1 small jar pimento
1 cup chopped ham
1 1/2 c. Flour
3-4 T ice water
1/2 c butter
1/2 tsp. salt
Dash of cayenne pepper
1 c. Grated cheddar cheese
Spread filling evenly in a 9×13 pan.
For crust:
Cut butter into flour, salt, and cayenne pepper mixture until it resembles a course corn meal. Lightly mix in cheese. Gradually add water and toss with fork. Pat into ball, roll out in 9×13 rectangle. Add crust to cover filling, slit several times. Bake unti, golden brown and bubbly. 15 to 30 min @ 350 degrees.
The salad was the best mix from TJ’s:

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We picked up these two and watched Liberal Arts last night which I absolutely loved.

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For dessert I made Katie’s favorite dessert (that I make)…. my oreo ice cream cake.

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Get ready for this complicated recipe.  Crush 15 oreos and mix it with 3 tbs melted butter.  Freeze that layer.  Top with a jar of hot fudge.  Freeze.  Top with ice cream (cookies and cream and mint chocolate chip are my favorite combos).  Freeze.  Cool whip and oreo crumbs.  Freeze.

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I wish that I could show you how fast Brooke has gotten.  I cannot believe it.  She will grab absolutely everything that is in front of me in .03 seconds.  I thought I was being smart last night and put my dessert out of her reach but she outsmarted me and landed her foot right in the middle of it.  She was very proud of herself.  Of course I still ate it.

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Last movie that you watched?  Any good ones to recommend for us??

Did/does your mom make you a special meal for your birthday?  What?

Best thing you ate this weekend?


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I can’t remember what the last movie I watched was. It might have been The Avengers.

We don’t really do special meals on our birthday. This year my parents took me out to brunch.


Sounds like my kind of party!! I watched Savages last night, great movie.. Best thing I ate this weekend? Definitely my homemade chex mix!


We also rented two redbox movies Hope springs and touchback (touchback was better.) I’ve been looking for other good ones so thanks for the recommendations :-) Watch out… Brooke will only get faster from here out! Best thing I ate this weekend was some amazing cake balls!!!


That looks amazing. You are really rocking the cooking lately!
We watched Battleship and is was AWFUL. Liam Neeson should be ashamed.
Meatballs and kielbasa in the crockpot. YUM!

The Kidless Kronicles


Hahaha I actually just laughed out loud at Brooke’s foot. Yet another sign that she’s going to be a runner! Your dessert looks amazing and I love the idea that you two came up with. It’s nice that you have such a close friend out there that has the same hair as you and likes food like you AND will wear pajamas with you. That’s pretty awesome :)


What a sweet little foot, no pun intended! The last movie I watched was One Week. Old but very thought provoking.


That oreo cake looks amazing!! And I NEED that salad mix asap! Can you tell that I’m hungry this morning? Oops.


I would always ask for the most random bland meal
of ham, rice & peas as a lil girl… And actually my birthday was Saturday so this weekend was filled with indulgences… Sushi & Sprinkles cupcakes. Mmmmm.


My mom always makes me vegetable fajitas! We watched Alex Cross during the blizzard and it just wasn’t my kind of movie- lots of shooting.


We rented Magic Mike and Wanderlust this weekend. Both were ehh. I should’ve just watched Pitch Perfect….for the millionth time.

Last year, my mom just sent me money to get sushi and hibachi. Works for me!


I watched a French film on the plane home yesterday ‘ The Untouchables’. It was seriously brilliant – so funny, so sweet, so lovely. I am telling everyone about it, I loved it so much!!

Best thing I ate this weekend was my last British bacon sandwich for a year. SOOOOO good. America, you do many things brilliantly but bacon should always be British!


Miss Brooke is so photogenic! She always looks so happy. Your ice cream cake was amazing, I’m sure, with all of those yummy ingredients. My mom’s idea of cooking is putting a frozen dinner in the microwave, so most of my birthday celebrations involve going out for dinner.


Oh my goodness, Brooke’s foot! Speedy feet already. My dad cooked for us most of the time, so he made my special birthday meals. I miss that!


Pajama party, what a most excellent idea! My friends and I were just saying the other day how much fun it would be to have an old-fashioned slumber party where we stay up and eat junk all night.


Sometimes the easiest foods are the yummiest and that dessert is no exception!


The best thing I ate all weekend was supper on Friday. I made stuffed chicken breast for boy (stuffed portobello for vegetarian me!) – it was super easy! I made the stuffing out of quinoa, spinach, roasted red pepper hummus, diced tomato, garlic and onion, then topped with goat cheese. It was delicious!

I don’t really do movies often… haha I have zero attention span! The last one I saw was in theatres, This is 40 (thought it was hilarious!) – but usually we stick with buying seasons of sitcoms. We’re currently re-watching Scrubs AGAIN for the third time I think? It’s awesome :)


That. Dress. Is. Flippin’. Adorable! The best thing I ate this weekend would be at T.G.I. Fridays for dinner. We have not been there in two years since we moved a good ways from it and that’s the closest one to us. I indulged in a juicy Jack Daniel’s Ribeye Steak, awesome sweet potato fries, and creamy and cheesy mashed potatoes! It was realllly good! I last watched Problem Child 2 on Netflix. lol. I have a thing for 80s movies, but forgot how corny it was. The hubby and I still got a few laughs in, though. For my birthday, my mom always mentions either her meatballs with sauce and Penne, or a turkey dinner! I love it! It’s like two Thanksgivings!


Last movie I watched was Oceans Eleven, I really liked it!
I usually go to the same mexican restaurant with my falimy for my bday.
They give you a sombrero if it’s your bday!

I usually read your blog on my cellphone (android)
during my work commute, so I thought I’d tell you about a recent problem.
Since yesterday, the new ad at the top makes the page reaaally long to load
and the screen goes blue for a while. It’d be great if you had
a mobile version for your site!


My iphone and ipad load the page quickly, without a problem. I wonder if its more android specific?

Brookes chubby little foot is too cute! Just wait until she starts CRAWLING! Then you will really have to watch her!


Thanks for your feedback Moni. We will look into it!


Is Brooke the happiest baby in the world? She is always smiling! The foot shot is great!


It’s perfectly acceptable to eat something after a baby’s foot has been in it. But, only a baby foot! In fact, I may have licked her foot – let’s not be wasteful!


I spent my weekend in San Jose at a conference for teachers. We splurged for dinner at the Fairmont and I had filet Mignon encrusted with blue cheese. OMG-I will dream about it forever.


Last movie I watched was a Little Bit of Heaven. It was depressing tho, don’t watch it lol. The best thing I ate this weekend was a vegetable casserole, it turned out amazing!


I watched Dear John last weekend, I had to read the book finally so then watched the movie. Loved it, and Zac Effron is pretty easy to watch too ;)
In our family we always go out for birthday suppers, so my Mom has not made me anything special in awhile but growing up I would always get a special birthday breakfast.
I have a tie for the best things I ate this weekend, plain Greek yogurt and chocolate PB2 mixed in or the fettuccine Alfredo with scallops my Mother in Law made for supper last night.


The last movie I watched was Gangster Squad. My mom doesn’t really make a meal for me, but we do get to pick whatever restaurant we want to go to and no one can complain. I always pick Mexican or Chinese or something that my dad hates and we don’t usually have because he won’t eat it.. because he can’t complain on birthdays! I’m mean.

Best thing I ate this weekend, my dinner last night. Oven baked, raspberry chipotle tofu with couscous and sauteed spinach. Yummy yummy yummy!

I make an ice cream sandwich cake. One layer of ice cream sandwiches topped with cool whip and candy of your choice. Make another layer, top that with cool whip and the candy of your choice. Throw it in the freezer to harden :D


The last movie I watched was Napoleon Dynamite (being snowed in makes you resort to weird things). On my birthday I used to always want steak, mac & cheese, and green beans, but this past birthday I ate a ton of chicken wings. The best thing I ate this weekend was an amazing steak sandwich with peppers and onions!


The last movie that I watched was Ted. WOW. It was way worse than I thought it was going to be but it was SO funny. I couldn’t stop laughing.

This weekend I made Brookies (obviously got the idea from your blog) and a brownie bottom coconut & chocolate cream pie. SO GOOD. I love coconut:-)


I’d love the socks for recovery — really sore calf muscles after a long run suck!


Omg that Oreo cookie dessert sounds amazing. Of course I would have eaten a sleeve of oreos while waiting for it to freeze :) I’m a sucker for Double Stuf!


I just watched the Giant Mechanical Man. It was cute with Pam from the Office in it. Best thing I ate this weekend was the steak after my marathon. Best food I ever tasted!


I totally remember eating off plates that were a good foot in front of me so that my kids wouldn’t get into the food. Yet, I still remember times they were quick enough to pull the plate towards them and nearly spill it all on the floor even though I had thought I put it out of their reach. Babies are like ninja’s. And that Brooke is one stinkin cute ninja!

I want that oreo heaven in a pan in front of me right this second.

My mom usually makes salamon, asparagus and couscous for my birthday dinner (much to my siblings dismay – my sisters hate fish) then her homemade fro yo for dessert. Sometimes brownies and ice cream. Never cake. Most cakes are just ‘meh’ to me.

We watched Pitch Perfect. Everyone told me I would love it since I LOOOOVE Mean Girls, but I thought it was just alright. Maybe since I heard so much stuff about it, my expectations were too high??


That Oreo ice cream cake looks so good!

I was still on a cruise this last weekend so it is literally impossible to say what the best thing I ate was. I was quite happy to eat about 6 desserts per day.


Brooke’s just showing you how fast of a runner she’s going to be :D And I don’t blame you for still eating the foot-assaulted cake… omigosh it looks amazing. My mom makes me a black forest cake for my birthday that makes me wish it was my birthday every week. One of these years I’m going to have to ask her for an ice cream cake though…


Billy is having seconds a lot lately!

The last movie I watched was Lars and the real girl on netflix and I didn’t even finish it. But I rarely finish movies, unless my husband is watching with me, so I can’t really recommend any lol

The best thing I ate this weekend was fudge brownie icecream! SO good


That Oreo cake is about to be my new favorite. Brooke’s dress is absolutely adorable. That’s such a good idea for you two to make your m&m’s recipes! My mom honestly has never really made anything special for me…maybe pancakes on birthdays when I was younger?


We watched Water for Elephants last night. I had read the book, so I was skeptical of the movie, but it was actually really good!

When I was growing up, I would always request my mom’s meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and corn bread for my birthday meal. Yes, I am truly a southern child.

I made this coconut flour cheesy pizza crust that was amazing this weekend! I decided not to do any sauce or toppings and cut the crust up like breadsticks. I can’t wait to make it again this week!


Aw! Cute little baby feet!

I love Sunday night PJ parties! Looks like a blast!

Random note: I watched a Lolo Jones documentary on Netflix last night. She’s hardcore. You should watch it.


I saw a bit of You’ve Got Mail yesterday at a friend’s house. It’s a good classic! The best thing I ate yesterday is a competition between baked salmon & asparagus and a Cadbury Creme Egg. Both were delicious, but I’m blaming my stomach ache this morning on the chocolate!


I just watched Pitch Perfect because I think I’m 16 and it was so cheesy but so good! Loved the music!


PJ Parties are the best!! And with that Oreo cake, I only imagine your party was unreal!
Last movie I watched was Cruel Intentions. A throw back, but such a classic!


Happy birthday! Thanks for the recipes. Please post recipe for the lasagna cups from your surprise party. Thanks!


I watched Lawless last week with Tom Hardy, Jessica Chastain, and Shia LeBouf. It was really good. But now I remembered that I just watched Hotel Translyvania last Saturday. I thought it was funny and worth a watch.

No, my mother doesn’t make me anything special. She’s not really allowed to cook too much. But I’m loving that oreo cake. yummm.


I saw Liberal Arts in the theater and enjoyed it. Can you believe that’s Mary Kate and Ashely Olsen’s sister? I can’t believe I didn’t know they had a sister for all these years!


We saw gangster squad last weekend and it was really good so definitely go see it if you can. Best thing I ate this eekend was a massive cup of froyo!


Tried watching Bridesmaids last night. The husband and I were both looking forward to it since everyone seemed to love it and it got great reviews and it was supposed to be hilarious. We got through 2/3 of the movie before we turned it off and switched back to the Westminster dog show. Our BluRay player also broke so we couldn’t watch Hunger Games like we originally wanted. Bridesmaids was the runner up since it was on our DVR.

And now I have to make that cake. :)

Best thing I ate this weekend hand to be the Hungarian gumbocs my dad picked up from the church up the peninsula. Love gumbocs!


I love Spinach, Gorgonzola, Red Onion, and Raspberry Vinagerette salads. They are 100% the best flavors put together into one bowl of deliciousness! Send me some of your oreo cake please :)


Um… I would like to invite myself to your pajama party. :) So fun! Hugs friend!!!


My husband and I have been obsessed with “Just Go With It” with Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler, super funny and cute :)


We (I) finally got around to making birthday cake this weekend and shared a few slices with my boys. It was delicious.

Feels like forever since we have watched something non-child related. We may have watched the Lorax twice this weekend.


I watched Pitch Perfect this weekend and thought it was pretty good, although everyone said it was AMAZING which I can’t say I agreed with. Maybe it was just overly hyped up? And I think Brooke was just jealous that you got dessert and she didn’t, so she tried to ruin yours. Or she thought maybe she could eat some off her feet…


Cute idea! Bangs friend’s Mom’s meal sounds like something I would’ve eaten growing up! Yum.


We watched Harry Pottery Friday night, which was wonderful like always. Best thing I ate was probably chocolate-covered strawberries or the Brie cheese that I had last night! I was in heaven.


Last movie we watched– “Pitch Perfect”. oh so hilarious!

That is awesome that she stuck her foot in the cake, hah! ANd I love that you didn’t let it go to waste ;)


Last movie I watched was Pitch Perfect. Rented it Saturday and watched it no less than five times. I keep catching more jokes each time I watch it!


Aww Brooke’s oreo foot is so cute!! haha The last movie I watched was Moonrise Kingdom (from Netflix) and I l-o-v-e-d it. So quirky and cute and silly and inspirational. I love that you and Katie are making each other what your moms would make you. Seriously, you two are such good friends :)



Ahhh, Brooke’s foot! Too cute :) She just wanted in on that dessert too…can’t say that I blame her :D


I watched The Prestige the other night, its not really that new but I guess I missed it when it came out. Hugh Jackman & Christian Bale…helloo! really good movie!

The best thing I ate this weekend was gnocci with homemade butternut squash cream sauce, it was amazing…not healthy, but amazing! lol

Brooke is so cute and always so happy! We need more pigtail pics because I almost died when I saw how cute they were on her the other day! :)


I can recommend Looper, Life of Pi and Django Unchained (saw that one yesterday).


Oh lord, I misread the recipe for the ice cream cake and thought you were calling for 3 TUBS butter. I couldn’t figure out why no one else was mentioning the typo… Guess I need to eat something fatty to turn my brain back on.


I want you to make dessert for my birthday!! YUM!! :)


Um OF COURSE you still ate it! She’s just a baby, I think its safe. :)


So cute!

I’m hosting a health food

Valentine’s giveaway. :)



Pitch perfect.
My sister and I watched this weekend. Might be better for you and Bangs, then you and billy.


In watched the King’s speech yesterday. Have you seen it?
I made lasagna this week end so that was the best thing I ate this week-end. However I am sure it is not as good as your mum’s.


That cake looks amazing! I’m glad you found such great friends in Cali!!


Mmmmm that oreo dessert looks awesome!


I’ve never seen that salad at TJ’s!! Sounds wonderful.
I thought of you when shopping there today and the sample was a chocolate molten cake that can be found in the freezer section- it was soooo yummy. Get on that.


The best thing I ate this weekend was this delicious chocolate eclair! Happy Monday!


Just watched Road to Perdition last night. (Yeah, I know, like 15 years or so after it was actually released. Whatever, it takes me awhile to get to movies…) Definitely liked it.

Best thing I ate this weekend…that’s hard, because it was Chinese New Year, and there was TONS of good eating to be done. Probably either my mother in law’s popiah (a Singaporean kind of burrito…sort of) or pineapple tarts. YUM pineapple tarts….

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