Double runs and men are from mars.

I don’t know if I have told you this before (okay, maybe only two million times) but I really love double run days. Fitting in a few miles before school to build up some endorphins and then running more after school to release stress = the perfect day for me. I have been able to continue doing that a few times a week for my pregnancy but I think I will be going back to running just once a day now (some rest days and cross-training days also thrown into the mix).

Solution to no more double days: Go for a walk while reading a running magazine after work. I don’t know how I was able to multitask without falling when I can barely talk and walk at the same time.

This walk occurred after watching two episodes of King of Queens with the Billy. In case you are awesome and you too love that show you can watch it online at….best internet find ever. How did people live before the internet? What did they do all day? Read real books?

After Billy got back from his run we went to meet a really good friend of ours for dinner. She is moving away from us this summer (she is a second grade teacher and only has three more days of school too) so we had to fit in a dinner.

The main reason that they have moved up on the list to number one is because of their shrimp salad. There was a thick layer of delicious shrimp under all of those toppings. They also have horchata which we refilled six times throughout the night.

Arrival at Costa Vida 7:15. Departure from Costa Vida 10:15. I guess you might say I really love to talk.

As I was getting ready for bed I noticed a box of Mike and Ike’s on Billy’s dresser. These are his favorite candies in the whole wide world and I bought them for him on Valentines Day? How has he not eaten them? If I had my favorite candy sitting in front of me it wouldn’t last 10 minutes.

Men really are from Mars.

Let’s see if he misses them now that they are gone muhahahahahah.


What do you use the Internet the most for?

Do you like doing double runs or would you rather just get your run in all at once? Do you ever do double runs?

What was the last magazine you read? Any other Running Times magazine fans out there?

How many times have you moved in your life?

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Haha, this is funny because today is actually a double run day for me…and I rarely do them. I’m running this morning, then meeting a group for a run this afternoon.

Oh I’ve moved a lot. From Orange County to Richmond, VA. Richmond back to O.C. O.C. to Boston. Boston to San Diego. I lived in 5 different apartments in San Diego. Then San Diego to D.C. And I’m only 28!


I hope you have an amazing double run day Ashley! LOVE group runs, you will have so much fun! You have moved all over the place!!!


I live in Richmond, Va! I’m sooooo trying to talk my fiancee into moving to SoCal. It’s not going over well!


Do it! SoCal is AMAZING!


MMM the salad looks awesome! How in the world do you read and walk at the same time?!?! I thought I was brave when walked and ate a sandwhich yesterday–I usually drop my food on myself anyways so I figured walking really couldn’t do that much more damage.

I use the internet the most for reading blogs and watching hulu…thanks for the tip on tvland!

I have never done a double run, mostly because I don’t have the time…well I do, but running after work (10 p.m.) doesn’t sound that appealing.


If you count moving in and out of college, I guess about 15 times! I only really moved once growing up, then moving in with my husband. :) I still have Easter candy left, but that’s only because I stocked up when everything was half price!


I love the King of Queens! I used to watch it all the time, but I haven’t lately.
I don’t do double runs. I prefer to run all at once, but I sometimes workout twice a day. I agree that at the end of the day it’s a stress reliever. Plus, with two kids, I have to work out when I get the chance!
I love reading magazines, I have so many subscriptions – Runner World, Fitness, Health, Self, and more.


Ya, I would have a hard time “forgetting” about my favorite candy.

Salad looks amazing.

Moves…too many to count. In the last 10 years? California to North Carolina to London to Cape Town and now Chicago. Hopefully the next move is domestic. International moves are logistically challenging and expensive.


SERIOUSLY – Peter still has his PB Cups from Valentine’s Day and complains if I nip at them. It is WRONG on all levels.

I tend not to do 2-a-day runs. If it is a 2-a-day day I tend to run and do something else (yoga, spinning, kickboxing, etc.). I just love all sorts of working out!


Double runs M/W/F; run AM and swim PM T/R … 5 days of double endorphin = slow release happy juice all week long.


AHHH I LOVE IT….I completely understand the amazing double happy juice dosage love:)


Haha it’s so funny you mentioned the bit about internet- ours wasn’t working at home for 2 days and we were about to lose it by the end of it! Time just seemed to be on standstill- seriously how on earth did people pass their days?? I’m guilty of using the internet most for Twitter, Facebook, blogs…oh and something called work :)! Have a great day, my friend!


2 days…I think I would have died without it for that long!!!


I use the internet pretty much all day everyday. I can’t say that I’ve ever read and walked at the same time. I HAVE played words with friends while walking Bungee, though.


LOVE that color on you! So pretty!! :) & that salad looks awesome, especially the shell. Carbs…haha :)


THANKS HOLLY!! Want me to send you some carboy delicious tortillas!?!?!


I’ve moved 10 times in my life (the majority of them in the last 10 years), but wound up back in Indiana a few years ago when my best friend got married, then pregnant. Even though I don’t like living here I’m not sure I could ever leave them now! I really want to move back to my beloved mountains though, it’s too flat here! The last mag: Cooking Light cuz they had a pic of really good tacos on the front. Use internet for: research, People mag/Huff Post gossip, blogs, email, random trivia. I’ve done a double workout before, but never a double run. Today will be a double workout day actually–about to leave for a quick 3 mile walk with my mama, then I’ll do something more intense tonight. Have a good day, Janae! Yay you’re almost done with school!


TEN TIMES…wow! Oh Cooking Light is my favorite, such a good magazine and the pictures make me drool. I love that you go on walks with your mom and I hope you have a great double workout day:)


I don’t do double runs, but yesterday was a day that I was tempted! My run in the morning felt so good, that I just wanted to go do it again! :) I got to run outside for the first time in weeks, and I did it with a friend! Yay! :)


I have never done a double run. Its difficult enough to find time to fit one run sometimes! We moved from Puerto Rico to the states when I was. a little girl. Since then, I’ve moved about 5 times not counting college. Last magazine I read was whole foods.


Correction: Last magazine I read was Whole Living!


I love how your shirt your friend’s scarf! It’s such a pretty color.

I have yet to get back into running, so no double runs for me. Maybe, eventually.


Thanks so much Adriana, your so sweet!




I’ve never done a double but have been pretty tempted lately as my mileage has been steadily rising (52 miles last week- personal record!)
I too am impressed by your ability to walk and read- I would crash into something, fall, cause mayhem…!
I’ve apartment hopped several times, maybe 5? Moved into my house 3 years ago and hope to stay there!
That salad looks so good- made me hungry :-)


I do like doing double runs. The second one makes me feel hard care.
US Weekly
Quite a few, but mostly local.

The Kidless Kronicles


I’m planning a double run on Friday actually! One of my best friends is starting to train and asked if I would run with her– how could I refuse? Since she’s slowly building up mileage, I’m going to do another few miles later in the day :)

I’ve moved three times (not including college) and it is my least favorite activity ever.


Everything! I have wondered what people did without the Internet too. I use it to find recipes, read blogs, email, Tweet and best yet, shop!
I cannot say I have ever done a double run.
I have a subscription to Oxygen magazine and juts got it on the weekend, love it.
I moved once when I was 5 but in the same city, just a new house, then not until I moved away to University when I was 21. I lived there for the two years, moved back home in 2007 and been in the same house ever since.


I have never done doubel runs, but have run races and then added miles if I need them for training.

I have moved 3 times in my life all within 20 miles of Boston. I have lived in my house for 20 years. BUT we currently have a relocation package to Seattle for my husband’s job. Anyone from Seattle? We are going out 5/31 for 5 days to check things out and look at houses. Scared and excited at the same time.


I will come visit you all the time in Seattle….I absolutely LOVE IT THERE. Change is going to be hard but I think you will love it. Keep me updated on how the house hunting goes!


I mainly use the internet for blog reading and pinterest. :) I do actually use it productively from time to time. Oh, and I use it for booking trips!!!

Since I’m just starting out in running, I haven’t done a double run yet. However, I LOVE two-a-days with weights!

I want that shrimp salad….NOW!


I love double runs. I totally agree with you on getting the endorphins in the morning and the stress relief after work. I usually run doubles a few times during the week.

I only moved once growing up but changed apartments every year of college. Moving is tough!


I would LOVE to do double runs, it sounds so hardcore :) I would say I don’t have time for it, but I know I could always make time for things that are really important.. Haha I think the real issue is that it would probably mean showering twice in one day too, and I dislike the shower way too much to make that happen twice in one day ;)


I mostly use the internet for work. Boring. I try to blog but by the time I get home from work it’s late and I’m lazy so I haven’t been so great at that. I don’t ever watch TV on my laptop or anything. I am not very internet-interesting.

I’d prefer to just do one run a day since I get all hot and sweaty and have to shower. Plus I’m lazy and don’t like to change into and out of my running clothes. It is too much work. Now that I’m walking and not running, I do enjoy multiple walks a day (at lunch and then again in the evening).

I have never read Running Times – just Runner’s World. I love RW and have been getting that magazine for over ten years. The last magazine I read was Fit Pregnancy. I love magazines though – so I subscribe to Fit Pregnancy, National Geographic, Cooking Light, Parenting, Runner’s World, Golf Digest, Vegetarian Times, and Architectural Design. I have a serious addiction!

I have moved 12 times in my life – and that’s not counting the times I’ve moved from one house to another but stayed in the same community (i.e. moving to a new apartment). I hate moving! When I was younger we moved all the time because my Dad was in the military and so the military moved us. Then one day I had to move myself and I decided that it was the worst thing in the entire world. Packing and unpacking and lifting things = pure misery. I have to move the end of June while I’m 7 months pregnant and I am DREADING it (although I guess you have it worse since you are moving even closer to your due date). I still haven’t unpacked all the boxes from my move last year!


Janae! You are so cute! You still don’t even look pregnant to me! :) Anyways, I have a very serious question for you. What in the world is horchata? Ever since I have moved here to AZ, people talk about it. We also have Cafe Rio and Costa Vida but I have never had horchata. It is a drink, right? Explain pretty please! :)


HELLO gorgeous girl…you are so cute. OH MY GOODNESS…horchata is amazing. It is a cinnamon rice drink that most Mexican restaurants have. Have you tried Costa Vida…they should have it there. How about we go get some when I am down in AZ:) Have an amazing day!


Ok thanks for sharing about I have tried to watch Hulu on the iPad, but I don’t want to pay for it!

And what’s horacha?


Oh my, you have got to try horchata! It is a Mexican cinnamon rice drink that is absolutely amazing! Most Mexican restaurants have it!


I have moved 5 times in my life! Once in my childhood we just moved to a diff house down the street and then after high school I moved between a Couple different apartments and then lastly out of Alaska!
I just read women’s health (my fav) magazine.


I don’t do double runs mostly because I don’t like to get all sweaty twice in one day haha


I can’t believe in some states it’s actually illegal to walk and read lol or walk and text I guess is more the actual law. I can’t remember where but I heard that on the radio this morning and thought of it when I saw you reading while walking lol!

I can never seem to get up early enough to go running so I can’t say I’ve done that before. The few times I have managed to though I do enjoy it, it’s nice to be able to come home and have the option to not work out cause you’ve already done it, for those days when life gets in the way.


I have moved quite a bit! Like 3 highs schools, 2 middle schools, I don’t know how many elementary, LOL! In my adult life we’ve stayed pretty grounded where we at and we haven’t moved with kids yet…that’ll be interesting!

If I buy Jess ice cream and its still in the freezer 24 hours later, I claim it!


I don’t do double runs that often. I can only motivate myself so many times in one day, you know ;) Speaking of runs, mine was craptastic this morning. Bleh. I felt like I was suffocating. Here is to a better one in the future!

I hope you are not getting sick of those Costa Vida salads because I think we need meet up again soon. Those pictures are making my mouth water!

I fell asleep running Runners World last night. I am super cool like that. I never moved until college and since then I have moved 10 tmes. I don’t think we will be moving anytime soon though now that we have bought a house.


i use the internet most for work. i have to be on a computer 8 hours a day, haha. sometimes i barely want to look at the computer except for blogging when I get home!

i dont mind doing double runs but i like getting it over with all at once…there are def some days I run during my lunch and finish up my mileage after work. its not bad!

i love runners world (have had a subscription for years) but have never perused running times. is it good?

i’ve moved a bunch of times bc of school and after times is around 6 i believe? yeah, it sucks. not moving from my apt until we buy a house…AND i’ll be hiring movers!


I just love your blog! You remind me of. . .ME! Ha! With that said, let’s be friends. ;)

okay, now that we’re BFF’s, here’s to answer some of your questions. . .

I have discovered two internet sites that are stellar-phenominal. and One about fitness, one about food. My two favorite things in the world. (Okay, honestly, only food is my favorite. The fitness is something I’m recently teaching myself to love. We’re still in the “courting” phase.)

Double run days??! I am barely stomaching ONE at the moment. I hope to one day have your stamina. Start praying for me now.

Moving. . .I’ve lived in Oklahoma my whole life. I have, however, lived in MANY different suburbs. Sometimes I dream of my husband joining the military so that I can travel the world. And currently, we are contemplating moving to Kenya. No lie. We need to simplify our lives big time. I’d just really like to be able to run a race before I decide to move again. Right now, I get winded running around the block much less carrying a bucket of water on my head 7 miles in 110 degree heat. Baby steps, Michelle.

Anyhow, I’m a new fan! Just love ya! If you want to visit my blog, I’d love that!

Enjoy your Wednesday!


I am so glad that we are bf’s now:) That makes me beyond happy!I LOVE fit sugar but never heard of skinny taste, I can’t wait to try it! KENYA…ahhh that is so so cool! You will totally be able to run a marathon this year and you are in a house full of boys..must be so fun:) HAVE A GREAT DAY!


and how in the world are your reading and walking at the same time? Have you ever took a nose-dive or ran into a tree? I’m just a little concerned that my new best friend may be headed for a major pitfall soon. Proceed with caution, mi amiga!


Very impressive that you walked and read at the same time!
Funny- I never do two a days either. This morning I ran to the gym, swam, then ran again. I guess it’s not really two a day since they weren’t really spaced out, but it was still two mini runs!


Double runs are the BEST! Sometimes I have to hold back from doing triple runs…okay well maybe not…

We have a Costa Vida here in Texas too, it’s so yummy!


YOU DO!!! I didn’t know they were in Texas!! I wish we could go together!


Yum, yum that salad looks delicious!!

Reply how did I not know about this. thank you for saving my life!!!


You are so welcome? Come to me if you ever need help finding ways to watch tv all day on your lap top:)


I’m more likely to do double workouts when I’m training for a race but when I’m just out running for fun, I typically just keep it to once a day after work. I feel like I have moved so many times! Since graduating college in ’02 I have moved 6 times (and lived in 3 different states) and each time I hate it more than the last!


That’s supposed to say 06′ not 02′. I guess I got high school and college confused!


I give you PROPS to be able to read and walk at the same time! I can barely read and do the elliptical!!

What do you use the Internet the most for?
Watch Secret life on, FB, Blogs, Pinterest, check the substitute website for sub positions, and Pandora!

Do you like doing double runs or would you rather just get your run in all at once? Do you ever do double runs?
I have never done a double run!

What was the last magazine you read? Any other Running Times magazine fans out there?
Okay so this is SUPER weird, but I somehow get Parenting sent to me every month! I am NOT married, nor do I have a child and I have been getting this magazine sent to me for about a year now! I really DONT know how I am getting this but whatever! haha

How many times have you moved in your life?
Moved with my family when I was 8(Fairfield to Sandusky) then moved to college(Sandusky to Toledo-5 times) and now Im back in Sandusky. Who knows where my next adventure will take me!! I did apply to some school districts all over OH and then one in NY so who knows?!


HAHAHA You should just send your parenting magazines to me:) That is hilarious. I need to get back into watching Secret Life…such a good show. AHHHH NY…that would be so awesome!


HAH I should!!!! Im sure you would enjoy some of the articles in there!!!! This new season of Secret Life is INTENSE!!!! And I am definitely gonna be PUMPED if I get this teaching job in NY!!!


So funny! I made my fiance cookies to take to work and about 3 weeks later I found them still in his bag. What?! They wouldn’t even last me the car trip into work. Maybe I’m a bad baker? Guys really seem to have a different appreciation for sweets.


HOW COULD HE DO THAT!?!?! What is the deal with them? I bet if it were hamburgers or chips they would be gone in 9 seconds. Have an amazing day Jen and next time I will eat the cookies with you, don’t even give them to your fiancé;)


I’ve never done a double run day. I’m really trying to get better about getting up to run in the morning before work but so far haven’t had success. Oops. Yeah that’s nuts about his Mike & Ike’s. What’s wrong with him?!? I bought a box of Dots yesterday and they’re nearly gone.


I honestly can’t imagine life without the internet. I google EVERYTHING. And I mostly read blogs :D Last magazine I read was oxygen and runners world!


If the mood struck me, I wouldn’t be opposed to double runs. I have done it before and I actually had a great 2nd run!
I’ve moved a ton. I moved out of my house at 17. Since then, I’ve lived in San Francisco, St Louis, New York City, and Orange County. Been in the OC for about 10 years now and plan to stay. I’ve moved 4 times since I’ve been here though…ha ha. I guess maybe I have ADD with living spaces. We bought a home, so we are here for awhile! : )


I have moved about 100000 times in 24 years of living! It’s sort of sad but has shaped my very minimalist life! I think I’d be happy doing double-runs a day, but wouldn’t have the time to shower twice. That’s a tricky one.


My fiancé is the same way with his candy… to the point that we actually end up throwing it away because it goes bad. WEIRD. Up until I was 18, I had only moved once… since then I moved every single year (including two cross-country moves from MN to FL and then FL to NY)… however, we have lived in our current apartment for almost two years! Success.


The candy thing totally baffles me too! My husband’s favorite dessert is my chocolate peanut butter bars. He always requests that I make them, but then they sit around barely touched for a few days before I swoop in and finish them off.


I DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW THEY CAN DO THAT!! They really are crazy;)


I’m addicted to reading blogs on the internet. And shopping. I don’t buy a lot but I love to ‘window shop’ all over the internet.
I’ll be doing my first 2-a-day today. I ran this morning but cut it short so I’ll be going out again tonight.
I favorite magazines are Runner’s World and Oxygen. I’m saving my two latest issues to take with me on our trip to Island Park this weekend.
My husband and I have moved 14 times in the 10 years we’ve been married. We just bought our second house and we’re planning on staying put for the next 10 years at least. I have a love/hate relationship with moving. I love the adventure but hate the actual packing and unpacking part of it.


I think I’d rather just get my workout done for the day, but I get so busy throughout the afternoon I don’t think I’d have the motivation for 2 a days. I’ve moved about 5 times, basically from Victoria I moved to Calgary, back to Victoria, to Calgary again, and now back to Victoria. What silly moves, when I just ended up back where I started! And I seriously use the internet for everything, workouts, blogs, facebook, e-mail, googling symptoms to see what disease I have for the day ;) I’m a hypochondriac for sure


I use the Internet most for email, reading blogs and writing mine, and watching TV since I don’t have an actual TV!


Last magazine I read was Glamour … I bought it, and then didn’t get to it for a week and a half! But I read it while watching The Bachelorette the other night. Obviously I found the show super entertaining ;)


HAHA. My husband does the EXACT same thing!!! HE can have his favorites for like months….it kind of drives me crazy, actually. Haha.

I will always love Cafe Rio…..I am sorry, nothing beats ’em ;)


I should really get into doing double runs. Sometimes, my schedule gets in the way and it seems like too much to fit in a one-hour run, and then I end up not running at all! If I just think I’ll go out and run 3 or 4 miles, it will be so much easier to always get in a run.


I haven’t ever done a double run. I think I should try to add it though especially since I am starting my first marathon training plan. Some days call for 8 miles but I might not be able to squeeze all the miles in before work.

I read Runner’s World religiously. I have books lined up to read that I haven’t gotten around to but I make it a priority to read RW as soon as it’s delivered!


I LOVE Running Times. It’s my fave. I never do double runs because I don’t think I’d have the energy to run twice in one day. It sounds good in theory though.

I can’t wait to see you on TV!!


Oh I love going running with my sister a few days a week after work. It is always just a nice slow jog with the jogging stroller and by far my favorite. :)

Boys are seriously nuts! What the heck!!


I just starting following blogs last year; I knew I was missing a large part of the interent! Sitting bored at work running out of things to “find” on the internet has been a great influence on my life. I now have my own blog,, and run a lot more races!! Yours has been one of my tops! I’m now training for my first marathon so I see double runs in my future but haven’t done that yet.
Do you think seperating into two negatively affects the ability to go the distance (all at once) in the race? Or does it not matter as long as your adding in all those miles?


Costa vida is 100x’s better than cafe rio and way healthier too! I love mike and Ike’s too, i can’t be near candy without scarfing it down, I cant believe billy didnt partake of them. You so deserve them ;)

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