Sunday June 5th

Workout for today:

Spoon to mouth and walking back and forth to the kitchen to get more food!

I am tempted to go for a long walk but I think that would defeat the purpose of letting my femurs rest.


What was your workout?

What day do you take a rest day on?

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Because I’m learning how to run right now, my schedule is centered around running, but I also mix it up with some strength training and yoga. My schedule goes something like this…

Strength + Elliptical

Then repeat! I guess it’s three days on, one day off.


That was my workout for today…but it was walking back and forth from the food table at the baby shower I went to.
During race training, my rest days were always after my long run (usually Saturday). Since then, I’ve had more rest days because I’m giving myself a little break after all the hard training!


I decided that I wanted to start running more (yay!) however yesterday I think I jumped in with more than I could handle right off the bat, I went for a 6.5km run (with no prior running training except maybe a 3km I did months and months and months ago…oh and it was probably the longest run I have ever done in my life ever haha…why do I do this to myself!?). So anyways, needless to say I am in maaaajor pain :P, not just the muscle achey pain, but I messed up my left foot somehow, I couldn’t walk on it yesterday and it was spasming hcore on the outer side and if I tried to walk on it I couldn’t as if it was a broken foot haha I had to crawl around the house (its not broken its a muscle thing ;) ). This morning I can feel a hardish lump on the side of my foot as if fluid is there or something (gross much?)…anyways, I am only sad because I have to go into my nursing practiucm today (HA I picked a good day to take my first run eh? the day before a full time nursing set)! Anyways, regardless of the pain I stilll am looking forward to my next run, it was crazy hot out yesterday (hence the urge to run!) and I can’t wait for the rest of the lovely weather or summmmmerrr!!! You’re an inspiration girl ;).


I could also talk about workouts ALLL day long. I’m doing a 5k in 2 weeks to get an accurate speed assessment before I jump into half marathon training. I lost all sorts of speed while doing marathon training. Here’s today’s fun:
1mi run to gym
2mi with 4 x 400m repeats (6:58, 6:40, 6:27, 6:15 min/mi pace)
30min lifting (increased all the weights!!)
1mi run home

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