Entertainment at the Gym

What I do when I strap myself to an elliptical for a ridiculous amount of time:

A. Magazine (favorites include Women’s Wunning, Women’s Health, RUNNERS WORLD, Cooking Light and the Food Network)


B. Read a book, I know Mom I have come a long way. Mind Gym is awesome if you are looking for a book about the mental aspect of running and exercise.


I use a headband to keep it open.  Maybe I should patent this idea before I post this.


C. Watch the classics on my iphone.


D. Think about what I am going to cook or eat that day. (Usually involving chocolate)


E. Jam out to my favorite songs.  Yes, I am one of those people that sing as they work-out.  ‘Like a G6’ was listened to 4 times in a row this morning.  Obsessed.


F. Watch Saved By the Bell, VH1 or the Food Network on the TV’s.  Slater and his dimples.


G. Contemplate my life.


Please don’t mind the acne, albinoness and sweatiness.  It happens.  It was also 6 A.M.

I am sure you can all relate but the gym is ME time.  I don’t have to answer to 15 year olds and I can spend time doing something 100% for me.  This time allows me to be a better wife, friend, teacher, daughter and sister.

Workout today.

30 MInutes on the Stair Climber

40 Minutes Elliptical

Shower and out the door.

Thanks everyone for your sweet comment on my exciting news.  You made my day!!

How do you pass the time when you are working out?

-You saw my list.  When I run I don’t need anything except for an ipod every now and then….even on the treadmill, I am just happy to be running.  Actually, a little Oprah helps.


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love the sweat, good work girl! gym time is definitely some good ME time. And that book looks so interesting! I always think of recipes while i run or i pray. Ya, thats me. I'm quite odd. haha!


love the sweat, good work girl! gym time is definitely some good ME time. And that book looks so interesting! I always think of recipes while i run or i pray. Ya, thats me. I'm quite odd. haha!


love the sweat, good work girl! gym time is definitely some good ME time. And that book looks so interesting! I always think of recipes while i run or i pray. Ya, thats me. I'm quite odd. haha!


I fantasize about dinner a lot (I always work out right after work at 5:00). I try to imagine my thighs getting smaller haha. I also listen to old crappy pop music and maybe read my book if I'm on a bike! Man, I do love some Saved by the Bell!


Great post!! To pass the time I normally listen to a playlist I made for my shuffle. It is full of kick@ss power songs. Other times I plan out the next couple of days and sometimes I zone out and watch HGTV.


We were sharing a few brain cells with this post! I JUST posted on occupying my mind during long treadmill runs!

"It's all right, cuz your Saved By The Bell!!"


mags, books, TV…esp. Dr. Phil and anything trashy like "teen mom"


Congrats on your amazing news!! If you get any tips about healing that knee can you please share?? I want to read that book!


haha. does your gold's gym have the cardio cinema? that saves me when i have to be on a treadmill for a couple hours – no way am i doing a long run in 12 degrees! action movies are a problem though – i've been known to fall off the machine cause i'm leaning away from the bad guys…:)


hahah i do all those things too. except not at the gym. more like in real life. oops? i just let my mind wander when i'm outside running. the last time i was in a gym was awhile ago. i can't read or anything when i'm there! so i people watch ;)


GAHD! You have good entertainment. When I run I listed to the sounds of my labored breaths, think about drinking beer and/or eating chocolate and sometimes get angry at the way my butt is jiggling or getting cold and chapped. (this was pre- fleecy undies, obvi.)
I need a warm gym.
I also am not as tan as your "albinoness" even in the middle of July. Depressing.


I can't read and run (yup, I'm the girl who gets motion sick everywhere from a treadmill to a ferryboat) so I totally rely on music and people watchin'. Slow days at the gym kill me!


If I'm treadmill running (if. ha.), I like to time it so my favorite Food Network shows are on – like Good Eats. If I'm outside, I have have have to have music I can sing along to. My H hates that.


OK first off I love food magazine. So. Much. Good. Stuff! Did you see all the amazing thanksgiving good in the last issue?

I agree about the not needing a lot when running. Sometimes if I am going for a long treadmill run I will listen to music but otherwise I really am glad to just be running. I keep myself amused by trying to read the captions on the tv while I am running. Also people watching is an excellent way to make time go faster.

Oh Sex and the city – i just love it. Basically your whole post is everything I love.


Thanks for stopping by my blog. I read, listen to music and listen to podcasts mostly when I am on the elliptical. If I am on the treadmill I can't read unless I am walking. I do love the headband idea.


Well, usually I either listen to music or try to come up with new recipes. Sometimes, I just like to workout when its completely quiet and use the time to relax. Of course, my idea of a relaxing workout involves kickboxing finished off w/ pilates, but still.


Magazines, always. And I'm definitely stealing the headband idea!!


You are too cute. I want to read that book! I'm going to have to look into it. I love to pass the time inside with magazines or my iPhone and outside, I just about always have my iPod on a run.


First of all, I love your blog. Second of all, I pass the time at the gym by either studying (I'm almost done with grad school) or reading my Kindle. It is the best work out book reader known to man. You can adjust the size of the fonts so when you're working out you can make them bigger and some books can even be turned into audio so you can listen to them! It's well worth the price, especially if you love reading. It has magazine subscriptions on it too!


I used to use an ipod when running, but now I use my running time to just think. It's definitely "me" time. I use it to think about all the things I need to get done that day….from laundry to kid's homework, to what Im gonna eat that day. However, lately I have been running with friends and talking has made the runs go by so quickly! Love and appreciate your blog so much. I love it when I click on your blog and there's a new post! Thank you for sharing…everything….love it!


I love this!!!!!! I read the same things on the eliptical or stair master!!! :)


I totally zone out when I workout – or I think, pray, or plan.


just finished 8 miles with glee and biggest loser as company…i'm a little made that they pushed back the biggest loser because 11pm is past my bed time…not sure how i'm going to find out who got voted off….oh well…


POdcasts baby. Adam corolla, Food Network parody, Bill Mar and 60 minutes (I am a 50 year old man apparently). I pepper that with hip hop and dance music and thoughts of that nights dinner. Good times. If I am dreadmilling, it is Dexter or a cheezy movie on my kids portable DVD player.
BTW whooo to the hoooo on the sponsership. Fab-u-lous! Save the race entry money for more snacks. You go girl!


I would rather workout outside anyday or do a fitness class, but if I'm stuck on the elliptical, I'll do intervals to keep it fun and engaging so I don't get bored.


Gym? That's called the garage. We stare at the mini DVD there- but not often.

I prefer dodging log trucks and school buses :)



I sure hope you patented the hair band idea! I am stealing it- but my TM has a huge console. So I'll need a bungee cord.


Motion sickness + me being a klutz= only being able to listen to music or people watch. I would love to read on the treadmill or bike but I would puke and I dont the other gym goers would like that.

I love your blog!!!



Finally, a way to keep a book down on that stupid elliptical. Thanks for the idea, I'm going to try it out tomorrow night.


I just started working out at the gym but i've gotten in the habit of lip syncing to my ipod, as to spare my running neighbors. but you can bet when i'm at home i'm busting it out loud!


Gosh. I read like, one paragraph before I jump off in boredom! When I was in school I used to do flashcards on the exercise bike, that worked out ok.


When I used to go to the YMCA I loved watching CNN, reading a magazine, and listening to music while on the elliptical. I also like listening to podcasts. I have to keep my mind occupied because I hate getting bored!


y running time is my ME time. Do you believe me when I say I've never trained in a gym? I'm lucky. I can run outside throughout the year and I do my core and upper body workouts at home 3 times per week after my morning runs. I never do anything while training except run or train. No music or TV or anything. Just me.


head band on the book is brilliant. i can't read when when I'm moving, though, it gives me vertigo :(


Its scary how much we are alike. I too become obsessed with current fav songs. I once ran an entire 5k with one song on repeat. The Killers-All These Things That I've Done. Must have song for running. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZTpLvsYYHw


If I am outside, I take in the scenery and serenity of being alone. When I am inside (which is the norm, as my 5 kids are in childcare or the gym pool), I catch up with girlfriends on the treadmill and watch the news on cc. Of course, somedays I look at/judge everyone's treadmill settings … did I just admit that?


I love the idea of watching classic SATC on the iphone. I have SO many unread books and mags that I really need to start taking to the gym when I cross train.

And the headband idea is fabulous!

Most of the time at the gym, I am usually doing short cross or weights (other than Mondays), I don't really do anything to pass the time other than people watch and maybe watch the tv's on closed captioning. I take my itouch when I actually remember it


Thanks for your entertainment ideas! I know I can definitely benefit from them. I can barely stay on the elliptical for more than 20 minutes before I start getting bored. I prefer to exercise outside, but since it's getting colder.. I really need to find other ways.



I'm very similar- I pretty much do all those things on the machines as well. I can even read (trashy gossip mags) while running (slowly).
I usually plug my headphones in while watching TV and reading something. Sometimes I listen to music when a workouts getting too intense to motivate me!


That's such a good idea to secure a book to the elliptical! Thanks for the idea :)


Totally just posted about my favorite magazines as well. I either read mags, watch TV (love the Ellen Show), or listen to music.




I LOVE that you sing while you work out. You make me feel like less of a crazy…My favorite thing to do to pass time at the gym is talk to Janae!! ;) Thanks for kicking my butt last night! xoxoxo


i think about food or watch food network…and stare at men!!!


The headband idea – GENIUS!!! I am definitely doing that. You should copyright that ASAP. Call them Book Bands and make them in all sorts of cute designs.

I can already see you on the cover of Forbes.

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